Where We Are Going

We are in the thick of these incoming energies, and we have reached the point where they are now coming fast and steady. There’s solar flare after solar flare after magnetic influx after this wave and that wave, and we are now feeling them big-time. And eventually, instead of being waylaid by them, we begin to embrace them and move with them. Aha, here’s another one, let me meet it and embody it and bring the frequency of my physical body up even higher. We can do it, we really can.

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The Momentum Is Increasing

The momentum is increasing now with our movement into the new, and the experiences we are having are reflecting back to us what is taking place.

It’s time to fly.

This morning during my meditation I was lifted by angels who said fly. Soon I was outside as they encouraged me to fly around my neighborhood. At first I could feel the density in my earth body pulling me down, but they were holding me up and I began flying. With their help I flew all around the neighborhood. After a few minutes, people began to notice and point and comment. The angels said, never mind them, it’s time to do what you’re here to do. So I kept flying, realizing the times I’ve let other people’s comments stop me.

In the new energy, it’s time to do what we’re here to do. We can no longer get entangled in the comments of others. It’s time to fly free. Continue reading