Everyone Is Evolving

Someone I know, not on this path yet, just made a breaking news announcement to me. “I have noticed something strange,” she said, furrowing her brow. “What I think about is happening. Right after I think about it. I wonder why.”

This is exactly what we have known would happen, at some point. The work we have been doing, some of us for so long we barely remember our old lives, to create this evolution for all, is now having a measurable impact. It’s happening. As this year comes to a close, the shift is taking place. It’s becoming obvious. The people who are not doing this work, who don’t know what’s taking place and have not been open to hearing about it, are evolving. These are the ones who have dragged their feet and been the most stuck. The ones we thought might never get there. The ones we almost gave up on. They are noticing that something is up. And even if they don’t know what it is, they are noticing that something is definitely taking place. And it’s different. And here’s the other breaking news: it’s about to change their worlds.

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