Conversation with the Universe

These energies are seriously transformational. It is becoming clear that we are in a conversation with the universe thru the many ways it communicates. This conversation is guided and supportive. At this time we are being asked to move fully into our power. It has been a long process to connect with this power and to see what it can do, and while we are still learning, we are now at the point where we can fully embrace it. Those of us who have aligned with our sovereignty and come into balance have access to this power in ways that have not been available before.

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Creating Our New Experience

There is so much taking place, so fast, it is hard to keep pace with it, and even harder to put it into words. We have been fast-tracked for sure, which means for the most part we may be just trying to hold things together for ourself. There is a sense of quiet with this, as we have established peaceful settings to enable our own process. The experience of nature is so important right now, as the natural world is very balancing. Being outside or even having a view of a natural setting is powerful, and being able to enjoy natural sounds—birds, bees, the breeze, water—and natural beauty, squirrels, turtles, deer, hawks, flowers, trees, whatever is around you. Find a place you can walk or sit and enjoy and disconnect from all the craziness taking place in the outer world.

Find a spot where you can sit and enjoy the natural world.
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