Our Overactive Imagination

I was just watching Tarot by Janine’s recent video, where she mentions that as a kid her mother told her she had an overactive imagination. Oh my gosh, how many of us heard that? Like a million times. Then one day we find out, it’s not our imagination at all. No, it’s our ability to see! To know! To feel! To intuit!

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Finding Your Path

I love to hear people’s stories of how they got to where they are. I’ve always been fascinated by the twists and turns and synchronicities that lead us to where we are going. In my own life I can look back and see the bread crumbs that were dropped that often didn’t make sense or seemed random at the time.

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The Light Is the Way

This is the longest process ever, as every time we emerge into newness and level up with our physical being, we soon feel more heaviness and more that needs to be released. You may have noticed this especially over the past weekend with the full moon. Just as the night sky was lit with this brilliance, so too were we, as the light slipped into our own shadows. What came up for you?

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On this ascension path we are experiencing reclamation of all that was our birthright, all that was taken from us, all we were not told the truth about. It is a solitary process until we move thru breaking free. And then we begin to move into unity and heart consciousness/connection with others. This latter part is where many of us are now.

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The Advent of Miracles in the New Frequencies

As I’ve shared recently, we’ve been dealing with very heavy energy the last couple of months as we continue to break thru into higher and higher frequencies. At times it has felt oppressive. It can overwhelm you with sadness and heaviness and tiredness. But we continue forging ahead into the new, embodying all the newness and creating something very different. The crystalline frequencies are all about balance, harmony, Love, and being in our truth and our power. This past week, we’ve come into a frequency that can bring miracles into our world, into each of our worlds. I’ve experienced several myself, all surprising, and all having the feeling of being part of our new, very special connection to the cosmos. When we land in these heart-based, light-drenched spaces, we feel our inter-connectedness. The separation disappears. We become encompassed by wholeness, surrounded by grace.

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Seeing the Path, Knowing the Way

Time seems to be flying by these days. It’s flying by and standing still at the same time. When you are in the moment, that moment is very expansive, it seems to reach out and encompass forever. And then suddenly you notice a week of linear time has gone by.

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We Are the Light of the New World

Here we are at the Solstice, in the midst of much change. We’re seeing, we’re sensing, we’re feeling, and we’re witnessing how much is taking place to move us out of our old familiar world. We’re deep in the process that we have worked on for so long, and we’re now seeing results. We’re seeing the new take shape. The very slow pace is picking up, and some of this is going to be breathtaking.

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The Pathway to the New Is Wide Open

We’ve had an energetic pathway leading to New Earth for quite some time, and that pathway has just opened to a full-blown road. This is a beautiful indication of where we are now. We are moving strongly ahead into the new, as we leave the old behind. You can probably feel this taking place within, all the releases and the “feeling done with” so many things. You can see it in the lack of understanding between you and others. It’s like you live in two different worlds, with very different concerns. And trying to communicate that is an enormous challenge. We can only do our best. I just saw a sweatshirt advertised online that said “I’M ONLY TALKING TO MY DOG TODAY.” I am sure there are times now you can relate to that.

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Getting the Green Light

We are envisioning the new. And this is such powerful work, as what we think about is being created around us in the moments after we dream it into being. In the higher frequencies we experience happiness for no reason and that has been happening big-time this last week. Things are dropping into place, connections are being wired, these new frequencies are the airwaves we are tuned into now.

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