Creating Our New Experience

There is so much taking place, so fast, it is hard to keep pace with it, and even harder to put it into words. We have been fast-tracked for sure, which means for the most part we may be just trying to hold things together for ourself. There is a sense of quiet with this, as we have established peaceful settings to enable our own process. The experience of nature is so important right now, as the natural world is very balancing. Being outside or even having a view of a natural setting is powerful, and being able to enjoy natural sounds—birds, bees, the breeze, water—and natural beauty, squirrels, turtles, deer, hawks, flowers, trees, whatever is around you. Find a place you can walk or sit and enjoy and disconnect from all the craziness taking place in the outer world.

Find a spot where you can sit and enjoy the natural world.
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Our Free Pass

This week we had three days of very heavy energy, the kind of energy that you can barely function in, and then with the full moon on Friday, it released. In fact, that morning I woke up happy and the happiness lasted all day, that wonderful not-for-any-reason happiness that infuses us now when we are in the New Earth.

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The New Earthkeepers

Many are finding this current experience challenging, and it is. There are challenges on many levels, even when you rise above the intense fear that has been triggered globally. However, there are interesting and unusual things happening as well. For whatever reason, it is often the challenging times that move us into the new, only because we as humans have learned to struggle so much with change.

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This Evolutionary Event

We are in this time of challenge, a time that we knew would come, a time of awakening and opening to our new Selves and creating our new world. We knew there would be upheaval and change, yet we did not know exactly how that would look. But we have felt it coming for some time, like the rumbling of a storm in the distance. Now we are in this unusual experience and as we watch it unfold, we still don’t know how it will all shake out and how this evolutionary event will look. Just like with a storm, we’ve taken shelter. We’re asking questions, we’re looking for answers. Major struggles for control are taking place, blame is being cast and truth is appearing. It feels like a planetary purge, a release of so much that was held in the shadows, and there is so much we still don’t know.

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Another Blast of Light

Friday night after I went to bed, I noticed an unusual light in my room. It was rainy and windy outside, so I didn’t think it was the moon. I had trouble sleeping, and in the morning when I got up I saw that the Schumann resonance had spiked. The Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances in the Earth’s magnetic field. The base frequency is 7.83 Hz. As you can see by the chart below, we got blasted by a lot of light. And we can definitely feel this in our body in many ways. It can make us sleepy or keep us from sleeping, it can make our eyes blurry, it can make our heart skip beats, it can make us tired… These are just a few of the ways it impacts us. But it’s also light-blasting our insides, helping us to clear and evolve, rewriting who we are. There’s nothing like a blast of light to clear an internal log jam of emotional debris.

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Our New Adventure

Big chunks of the old world are falling off now as we move thru this gateway. We are in a very intense time and I’m sure you’re feeling it as we wind up 2019 and move into the New Year. There’s an outer focus on the holidays and festivities and get-togethers with the backdrop of so much around us being unsettled. There is much movement in our inner worlds now, as our outer worlds begin to reshape. Within us we have the unmistakable knowing of what’s taking place, that these surges of energy coming in are carving out our new energetic coastline, our new way of being. And as the New Year arrives, we are definitely feeling the release of the old in so many ways as we realize this is the advent of a brilliant new experience.

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Surging Ahead

Once again we’ve surged forward, and you may be feeling this now. Usually we have a day or a few days where we are uncomfortable with odd aches and pains and we’re tired, and then we surge into yet another new space. Then we feel good again. That is happening every few days now. We continue to move ahead quickly into all the new potential we’ve created thru all the work we’ve done. Continue reading

Expanding Our Hearts

I want to share a message that came thru this weekend: We are in the time now called the unfoldment. You have done the preparation, overcoming your fear to move past the challenges and roadblocks to create something vastly different, something beyond even your dreams, something so new and incredible not just for you but for everyone willing to open their heart and to cast off the old, false teachings of the time that is past. Continue reading

The Momentum Is Increasing

The momentum is increasing now with our movement into the new, and the experiences we are having are reflecting back to us what is taking place.

It’s time to fly.

This morning during my meditation I was lifted by angels who said fly. Soon I was outside as they encouraged me to fly around my neighborhood. At first I could feel the density in my earth body pulling me down, but they were holding me up and I began flying. With their help I flew all around the neighborhood. After a few minutes, people began to notice and point and comment. The angels said, never mind them, it’s time to do what you’re here to do. So I kept flying, realizing the times I’ve let other people’s comments stop me.

In the new energy, it’s time to do what we’re here to do. We can no longer get entangled in the comments of others. It’s time to fly free. Continue reading

Beyond the Now

With the intense energy hitting as January began came an upgrade. For any who are ready we can now access the diamond light body. This came thru for me as I went to bed one night, and I experienced it as “diamonds” of light coming into my body to create a new inner structure. I fell asleep and when I woke up in the morning, my room looked new. Now in an earlier piece I described how I had a similar experience last fall when I got in my car in the grocery store parking lot and it was new, and I said, wait, my car isn’t new, and presto I was in my familiar car again. SO THIS TIME I didn’t try to change my new room back. I’m keeping it new. We are learning thru our experiences of New Earth what is possible. Continue reading