Moving Beyond the Old World into the New Love Frequencies

We’ve gone thru heart center and template upgrades in the last week in order to bring thru some big new energy to anchor more of the heart-based way of living on our New Earth. You may have noticed this as tiredness, fatigue, lightheadedness, odd pains in your body, pressure in your chest or upper back, heart flutters and palpitations, or just feeling more emotional. It’s taken us into a new space and while we all experience the energies differently, there are some commonalities. Even children and pets are being impacted and may need some extra TLC. Continue reading

Embracing the Crystalline Consciousness

I started working with the crystalline consciousness on 10/10/10 when two friends came for the weekend. One had just gotten a crystal from South America. We began to work with it and boom, in came this powerful energy that I simply called the Crystal Ray. I was guided to share it, and for the next year I had groups of 15 or 20 people coming to my house to sit in a circle and experience it. Continue reading

The Separating Worlds

This week, as the energies of evolution continue to swirl and build, I’ve been seeing just what different worlds we are each creating. I’ve been sharing in my posts how we are each creating our new worlds thru what we are thinking and dreaming into being. If we are creating from our heart, from the expansive space of love, we are going to find that these worlds are in alignment with our dreams. If we are creating from what we’re afraid will happen, we’re going to be bringing that in and our world will reflect back to us the very things we don’t want to have. If we haven’t done that all-important clearing work, clearing out the patterns of the old world that made us unhappy, then we are going to see more of that around us. Continue reading