The Arrival of Our Cosmic Self

Can these energies get any stronger? And yet we are definitely integrating them quickly now and moving into increasingly higher frequencies, and seeing our base of operations buzz with even more newness. We’re feeling the heart center expanding, and we’re feeling the experience of moving past limitation into a whole lot we don’t yet know as we shift into connecting with a cosmic version of our self. This is bringing us new experiences as this expanded self sees and feels and knows its connection to the universe.

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For the last few days I am feeling a release from what was. We have worked hard to clear our past and to open pathways into the new, and we have held this new energy with all the power of our being. It feels like we are now being released from the role of holding these pathways open. In other words, we can now move into the new and allow others to make their way when they are ready. The pathway is there, it is illuminated. It may take them an hour or a week or a year, but we are moving ahead. We now move into the construction of our new spaces and worlds. We have consciously waited and held the space for those who are headed this way, but they are now going to be doing this work on their own. We have to move into making the new space where we live. We are having this experience now, and you may be noticing this in your own comings and goings and what is taking place around you.

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Creating Our New Earth

There is big work taking place behind the scenes, on many levels. What was hidden is coming to the surface to be seen, so that we can make new choices, move beyond limitations and live in a new way. So that we will no longer be living with deception and so that we can truly embrace our true power as creator beings. We came here at this time to create a New Earth and to move with the Earth into a new relationship of respect and trust and support and co-creation. We came to remember who we are and to embody the essential frequencies to take us into a new realm: heaven on earth.

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2019, the Year of Amplifying Our Evolution

This year, 2019, has really amplified our evolution, pushing us and coaxing us to keep putting one foot in front of the next. To keep moving into the unknown. To not give up any of the space we have created. To trust who we are and what we are doing. To tune into the light of who we are. To continue expanding past our limitations. To love ourselves so much that we know that love is the building block of all that is. To ask for what we need. To begin to see the new taking shape. And to know that this is because of our dedication, our focus and our desire to live in a new way.

We are following the heart, which is guiding us to happiness and truth.
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Landing in Our New Spaces

Landing in our new spaces, and there’s a big S on there for our new Super Self.

We are moving into some amazing times after all our hard work. What we are experiencing is the New Earth unfolding from our inner dreaming into our outer world. We cleared, we cleared, and we cleared some more, and we are now experiencing the very things we have been dreaming into existence, wondering if they would ever get here and not really knowing how it would happen. The Solstice has brought another enormous shift, and if you have been one of the ones clearing out the old and dreaming your new, then you are experiencing the unfolding of the new now. Our new worlds are arriving and we’re seeing the start of what they’re bringing. Continue reading

We’re Experiencing Expanded Synchronicity

As we continue to adjust to the new frequencies, you may notice feeling more at home in them. At times we can feel the intensity of these energies, but we are integrating them much more quickly and adapting and shifting into increasingly new spaces. We are getting used to an expanded, amplified feeling. We seem to be adjusting much more quickly to what is taking place. As always, go with what you’re feeling and notice the fluidity of everything now, the flow, the opportunity to create, the creative expression of your own power as it takes up residence within. Continue reading