Moving into Cosmic Mastery

After 2 very intense weeks, there was a break Thursday and you may have noticed beginning to feel better. But the break was temporary and the intense energies picked up again. These may be making you feel very sleepy even tho you slept well, or you may be not sleeping well. You may be having trouble focusing your brain and your eyes. You may be experiencing your appetite is less. You may be noticing your physical body moving into more healing and alignment with the new. For example, a friend in another state and I drew the same card from an oracle deck this morning. I got a message yesterday to draw a card, but hadn’t done it until this morning. That same card fell out of her deck when she drew a card. The card was cosmic mastery, and it was one I hadn’t drawn before. And yet, it is exactly what we are working on now. We’re aligning with our mastery to create our world. We’re giving specific instructions and seeing these manifest as we accept our divine nature.

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