The Intuitive Wave

As we steep in these intense incoming energies, one thing is definitely changing. The intuitive input and guidance is growing very strong, so strong that we are finding we have to go with it. We were always supposed to have this guidance, and as we settle into it, it will feel absolutely normal.

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Following Guidance

We are all guided. From the beginning of our time on earth we are guided in one way or another, and at some point we become aware of the guidance and begin to follow it. It is fascinating to hear the stories of how people have been guided into what they are doing. My guidance has always moved me into something, to learn about it, and then I am guided to move beyond that to the next thing. This has been happening for years, and I have learned to trust it. Even when I enjoy doing something, like healing work, I will receive guidance to move on. A little more than 20 years ago I learned Reiki, and I was practicing that with wonderful results. Then I was guided to learn another form of healing, and then I was guided to use my own healing skills. Everything keeps adding to everything I’ve learned as I continue expanding. Years ago I also began reading tarot cards, and then I was guided to create my own deck and to use that. I had many amazing experiences with my deck, as did the people I worked with. And I used that deck myself for my own personal development and growth.

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In the Midst of the Greatest Change Ever

Here we are in the midst of the greatest change we’ve ever experienced, not knowing exactly what’s going to happen next. We can go from feeling happy and excited to being knocked off-balance momentarily by something that happens or by what the news is reporting. We have to remember to always return to the knowing within, that all is well. We are evolving step by step, following something that is inside us and that has been guiding us for a long time. In fact, if we take a moment to look back, we can see that this guidance has been with us since we were young.

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