November’s Big Wave: Absorbing the Woo, Avoiding the Goo

This week a friend and I had coffee to celebrate both our birthdays. We went to a place on the river and it was so rainy and gray you could barely see the river. Everything was gray. Even the tanker ship going past was ghostly. But inside the coffee shop was cozy and warm. She and I had a great conversation, and it was wonderful to talk. At one point she looked at me, put her hands over her heart and said, “You connect right to a person’s heart. I don’t know anyone else who does that.”

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Creating the New

As we move into the New, we have to give up playing small, thinking small and being small. We continue to move thru clearing and releasing of the matrix programs that are held with our cellular makeup, the 3D belief systems that we took on to live in the 3D world. We are experiencing ongoing frequency resets now as we up-level. The process often involves feeling off or tired or strong emotion (anger, sadness or emotional pain) for a short time and then as that is brought to the surface and released, our frequency increases and we have access to new insights and information. This process is especially intense for all of us who are clearing the way and creating the new space. Continue reading