Joining Forces in the Heart Consciousness

In my early 20s I had an intense vision, where I was shown an event occurring later that day. It was upsetting, so I pushed it out of my mind and went ahead with my plans. Several hours later, I found myself in that exact vision as it unfolded around me, down to the smallest detail. And there was seemingly nothing I could do. I felt completely powerless. I was an unwilling participant in what felt like a movie and the details seemed set in stone.

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Seeing, Sensing and Feeling the Shift

We are so close to seeing some very new things. As we move into this new time, it is super important to focus on what you want, as opposed to what you don’t want. The lower-frequency forces are hard at work creating things to distract us and upset us, so be aware of where you are putting your energy. We waste our time by hating anything. Our purpose is best served by focusing on what we want to see, what we want to create in our new world. Continue reading