Creating Our New Experience

There is so much taking place, so fast, it is hard to keep pace with it, and even harder to put it into words. We have been fast-tracked for sure, which means for the most part we may be just trying to hold things together for ourself. There is a sense of quiet with this, as we have established peaceful settings to enable our own process. The experience of nature is so important right now, as the natural world is very balancing. Being outside or even having a view of a natural setting is powerful, and being able to enjoy natural sounds—birds, bees, the breeze, water—and natural beauty, squirrels, turtles, deer, hawks, flowers, trees, whatever is around you. Find a place you can walk or sit and enjoy and disconnect from all the craziness taking place in the outer world.

Find a spot where you can sit and enjoy the natural world.
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This Space of Home

This has been a challenging week. First, the exhaustion. Just getting anything done… Altho I noticed when I went to do something it seemed to get done without too much problem. Then there was the sleeping, all night and then a nap during the day. We have been feeling the pull of the old, the weight of the old, the struggle that is taking place there, and this has caused stress, because so much now we are wanting to be able to do the things we like/need to do, like get a haircut or make a purchase of something needed or go out somewhere—and this week, there was more unavailability of things.

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The New Energy Is Pouring in

Saturday afternoon, I began to feel huge energy of change, something imminent. It was beautiful and emotional. I felt it Friday night as well, an overpowering energy of Love, supplanting and overriding the old, giving me such hope in these overly challenging times. Many are finding it a challenge to stay in their light, and we all have moments where we drop into lower frequencies. So these times of feeling huge incoming energies are welcome.

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The New Earth Emerges

As we embody our divinity, as we hold the light of all this incredible new potential that is actualizing around us now, we enter the new and we become the new. The New Earth is emerging from our collaboration with the powerfully transformative energies streaming in and the earth herself who is transforming with us. Together we are becoming new and creating the new space where we will be living, where we are living as some of us arrive in this space, finally. It’s been a long time coming.

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The Powerful Solstice/Eclipse

The Solstice/Eclipse energies are streaming in. I barely slept Wednesday night and later heard from a friend who had the same experience. This is a big, important energy event. But while I couldn’t sleep until 3 am, I was also seeing so many parts of the new clicking into place, one after the other. This was very exciting to experience, and I have been on a New Earth high ever since.

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What We Know in Our Heart

Our internal homing beacon for truth has been activated. And its job is to lead us to truth. The place of truth, of course, is also our Home, and we recognize this energy when we encounter it. It’s like meeting someone for the first time who you feel you already know, and you want to spend time with them. We are moving into this space, and we are creating it as well. And while the pull into this new is irresistible, the challenges can be great, because in the process we are pulled from the mire of a world that we believed in for a long time, a place that we called home but have come to see that it did not represent truth and it did not support or nurture us.

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Our Free Pass

This week we had three days of very heavy energy, the kind of energy that you can barely function in, and then with the full moon on Friday, it released. In fact, that morning I woke up happy and the happiness lasted all day, that wonderful not-for-any-reason happiness that infuses us now when we are in the New Earth.

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Expanding and Contracting

We’re going thru expansion. We are expanding, contracting, expanding some more, contracting a little. But we never contract back to where we were. So even in those uncomfortable moments when we do contract, we want to remember the expansion is occurring. Relax, rest, take care of your Self. And enjoy all the progress we have made, even tho we are not yet all the way there.

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Our Rainbow Worlds (Take the Plane)

The universe is talking to us all the time. Are we listening?

The more we pay attention, the more we hear, see, feel and know. We see the suggestions, the clues, the results. Once we tune in and align with our truth and our sovereignty, we align with the new. And when we align with the new, we step into our power to be a creator: to be one who brings the New Earth into being. The New Earth is here, you access it from your own frequency. And once you access the New Earth, the new consciousness and the rainbow frequencies, you enter the space beyond limitation, beyond fear, beyond lack. We came here to create freedom, to be freedom, and to operate multidimensionally.

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Being the Catalyst

We came here to do something SPECIFIC, something GRAND, something HUGE. This was beyond our understanding years ago, but now we are seeing it. We are here to embody an entirely NEW way of BEING. We are embodying it, anchoring it and sharing it with all. And our presence around others helps them to come into the new, by the very power of our frequency. Our frequency is a catalyst, the catalyst, the reminder to those we come into contact with that they are also here for something grand, not thru our words, but thru the frequency we are holding and emitting. We have literally battled our way thru the trenches to get here, facing challenges, facing our own doubt and the doubt of others, being misunderstood and even isolated because of our mission. All that is changing now, finally, as we become the catalyst.

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