The Unfolding

Sunday, the first day of the planetary and galactic New Year, I asked for a sign of where we are in our ongoing process of transformation. Monday when I got up, I saw this white rainbow over the ocean. White rainbows are rare, I’ve only seen about three, all in the last three or four years. I spoke to someone who has lived in this area her whole life and she’s never seen one. This rainbow represents the purity of our new experience. While the colored rainbows are infusing and empowering our new experience, the white ones are the new consciousness, the crystalline connection. When we are in this new consciousness, in our divinity, we are empowered. Just watch us fly. As I’ve been showing this photo to people, they are awed by it. They are feeling what is taking place, the new, coming in now, that will forever change us and restore us to wholeness.

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Balancing Act

I just came back from a bike ride. It’s a sunny day about 68° with a light breeze. It’s the weather I have asked for on New Earth and we’ve had about two months of this. It’s unusual for this area, which is often cooler. I opened my computer and checked the time. Right now it is 1:11 on 8/11. Seems like a great time to start this.

I always ask what the post is going to be about as I start working on it, and information comes thru. Often what comes thru is not what I was expecting. Today when I asked, I heard “balancing act.” As we move into our new worlds and expand them as much as we can, we are still interacting with the old world around us, and one of the challenges is how we balance the differences in energy, frequency and perspective that we are finding. Or how we navigate those differences. Continue reading

Divine Dreaming

At about 10:30 on New Year’s Eve, when I was reading, I felt a sudden shift in the energy. The night had been very quiet when I noticed the pillow next to me was glowing. For a couple of minutes, I admired the colors and the light coming from it. Then I noticed my whole living room was glowing, emanating a subtle gold light. Some energy from earlier in the day had lifted and was gone. Continue reading