Shining Our Awesomeness

It’s been very quiet this past week, in the midst of the turmoil in the outer world. There’s a definite contrast between the new world we are creating and the old world that is coming apart. And it’s been challenging to not get pulled into the craziness and turmoil that is shown on the news. This is impacting each of us, just as it’s designed to do. And it can be stressful to deal with it. How are you doing with this?

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Landing in More New

Some of us were jolted into newness this week and found ourselves doing things in a new way, or doing new things, without feeling the restrictions that kept us from that expansion in the past. And there’s a level of excitement that came with that. It’s a feeling of I’ve never done this before. It feels fresh and filled with potential and it’s opening a new way of being. Still, I’m noticing that we keep moving ahead and then dropping back a bit as we continue this process. But there is joy with each new glimpse of freedom, as we see where we are headed and the potential of it. Without these glimpses and experiences, it might be easy to give up, because there are certainly times when we fall back into the old world beliefs and wonder what we’re even doing. And wonder if we can keep going seemingly up and up and up. So we’re getting these glimpses and these new experiences every so often, where we can see the newness, and this inspires us to keep moving into the new, step by step.

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Codes, Structures and Templates for the New Earth

We are here to come to re-know everything. This is what we are engaged in now, as we gently and respectfully release the person we have been to make space for the one we are becoming. We are growing in our ability to hold another consciousness and the new way of being that it entails. We’re releasing our ideas that we can’t do this, because we are doing it.

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A Gift We Give Ourselves

It is huge when we empower ourselves to relate in a new way—from the place of our open heart. We stop playing the old unavailable limiting games that we learned in the 3D realm. And we grant ourselves freedom to love. This is a gift we give ourselves, and when we do we enter a new terrain. And it can feel a bit raw and unknown for us emotionally but as we feel our way in it and into it, we can have moments of connection with our Self and others that are truly amazing. These are glimpses of our whole new everything.

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Another Blast of Light

Friday night after I went to bed, I noticed an unusual light in my room. It was rainy and windy outside, so I didn’t think it was the moon. I had trouble sleeping, and in the morning when I got up I saw that the Schumann resonance had spiked. The Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances in the Earth’s magnetic field. The base frequency is 7.83 Hz. As you can see by the chart below, we got blasted by a lot of light. And we can definitely feel this in our body in many ways. It can make us sleepy or keep us from sleeping, it can make our eyes blurry, it can make our heart skip beats, it can make us tired… These are just a few of the ways it impacts us. But it’s also light-blasting our insides, helping us to clear and evolve, rewriting who we are. There’s nothing like a blast of light to clear an internal log jam of emotional debris.

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Clearing and Evolving Continues

Amazing clarity is kicking in: pictures, insights, answers to things we’ve long wondered about. They’re all just dropping in without effort in this new year of 2020. And as some have mentioned, 20/20 refers to clarity, so it’s an apt year for this. Most of these are personal revelations, so you will have your own. Some are from the world at large. And you will have your own of those too. I’ve just had 3 days of brain fog, where it was hard to even think or connect, and all at once, the clarity began coming in, picture after picture, insight after insight.

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Creating Anew

There are so many good things happening now, but they are almost overshadowed by all the challenging things lately—fire, flooding, volcanic activity, earthquakes, political stuff and the transitioning of people we know and care about. It can be so hard to keep our equilibrium in the midst of all that is taking place, not only because of our own feelings, but because we can feel the collective sadness and turmoil as well.

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January 2020 Energies

Last Thursday I had a plan to do some work, and at 4 pm I hadn’t done it. BUT I did some other things that showed up to be done and had some magical experiences with that. And it is a great example of what is coming for us. We can have our ideas of what we are going to do, because we all learned to plan our days. But then along can come some wonderful surprises of experiences we hadn’t planned for. And we can choose to just enjoy those because they are showing up.

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Situating Ourselves in the New

Here we are in the first week of the new year, noticing the new energies and wondering what the 12th of January will bring. Quite a few people have written about the astrological alignments on that day creating a big shift that will carry us into a very new experience, so we will see what happens. I feel that many are already in this new space as a way of anchoring it for all those who will be moving into it. We brought this space, this energy with us and the deeper we move into it, the more it feels like what we’ve been working and waiting for. And the more people who move into it in the coming days, the more firmly it will be anchored, creating our new time, our new experience. And as people adapt to it and learn how to operate/function in it, it will unfold in beautiful ways, forming our new Eden.

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Everyone Is Evolving

Someone I know, not on this path yet, just made a breaking news announcement to me. “I have noticed something strange,” she said, furrowing her brow. “What I think about is happening. Right after I think about it. I wonder why.”

This is exactly what we have known would happen, at some point. The work we have been doing, some of us for so long we barely remember our old lives, to create this evolution for all, is now having a measurable impact. It’s happening. As this year comes to a close, the shift is taking place. It’s becoming obvious. The people who are not doing this work, who don’t know what’s taking place and have not been open to hearing about it, are evolving. These are the ones who have dragged their feet and been the most stuck. The ones we thought might never get there. The ones we almost gave up on. They are noticing that something is up. And even if they don’t know what it is, they are noticing that something is definitely taking place. And it’s different. And here’s the other breaking news: it’s about to change their worlds.

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