2019, the Year of Amplifying Our Evolution

This year, 2019, has really amplified our evolution, pushing us and coaxing us to keep putting one foot in front of the next. To keep moving into the unknown. To not give up any of the space we have created. To trust who we are and what we are doing. To tune into the light of who we are. To continue expanding past our limitations. To love ourselves so much that we know that love is the building block of all that is. To ask for what we need. To begin to see the new taking shape. And to know that this is because of our dedication, our focus and our desire to live in a new way.

We are following the heart, which is guiding us to happiness and truth.
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The Tree of Life Is Blooming

Synchronicity is fun, and it’s something that gets our attention. We notice it, and we’re supposed to, because it feels magical. In the beginning we usually call it a coincidence, but as as we move into the energy of New Earth, it’s something that becomes more common. It happens a lot. It reflects back to us the alignment of everything in the unified field that we’re all a part of.

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Feeling the Energy of the Cosmic Mother

Going up in frequency seems like a daily occurrence now, where you enter new territory and more of the old falls away. In the midst of this we find ourselves increasingly quiet on the inside, as we anchor our wholeness and higher aspects here on Earth. And we continue to notice the world around us shifting to match our new frequency. Everything is ascending.

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Our Happiness and Well-Being Are Arising

We are in a time of incredible change as the incoming energies increasingly push us to release everything old. We are releasing the connections and ties that hold us back or keep us small. This is different for each person so your own experience will be unique. You may notice simply not wanting to interact in ways that didn’t bother you before.

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Experiencing New Earth (Continued)

Last time I mentioned I’ve been having many New Earth experiences, and each time they seem to appear out of the blue, and suddenly I am carried on the new energy. It feels like a wave, and it amplifies everything, especially heart connection, unity and Love. It’s palpable, others can see it and feel it as well. It’s what’s happening now as we head full-steam ahead into the New Earth. Continue reading

Experiencing New Earth

We are in the midst of so much mystery now, so much magic, as we release the old earth and move into the new. The energies are swirling, reminding me of the witches in Shakespeare tending their pots. A very, very new experience is here, and we are sampling it now as we dip into this concoction that has been created. It is beautiful, it is powerful, it is going to knock our socks off. We are just starting to see what’s possible. Continue reading

It’s Kismic (Our New Word)

We’ve been moving more quickly into higher-frequency spaces.

Since September got underway we’ve been moving more quickly thru gateways into higher-frequency spaces. So you may be noticing a couple of things. First, the old has separated even more, and second, we are feeling better and better as the rejuvenation continues. We’re feeling a new level of happiness that permeates our being. We begin to see that our own thinking has kept us down, and these patterns continue to release. The habit to think in a negative way has been incredibly limiting, and as we notice it and release it from our own way of being, we can observe it in those around us who are still actively participating in the old dynamics. Negativity is one of the biggies being cleared now. That and alcohol. Alcohol as a substance that is abused is being cleared as well. But don’t worry, the energy cocktails we’re receiving are way stronger and more supportive. Continue reading

Making Our Way into the New

As a teenager I had several dreams about a stairway that went up into the sky and then ended. I didn’t know what it meant then, but in the last few years, going thru this ascension process, it has felt very much like climbing a stairway into the ethers as we connect with higher and higher aspects of ourself. We go up a bit at a time, and then acclimate to the place where we have arrived. Lately this process has accelerated, and because we have cleared so much, we will notice things clearing and shifting very quickly. Continue reading

Seeing the Unified Field

If you sit outside on the ground, you may be able to feel your frequency synching up with the frequency of the Earth.

We are creating our new worlds in many ways, on many levels. I mentioned I’ve been riding my bike, and there were a couple places on the roads in my neighborhood that had gravel scattered on them. Yesterday I took my broom and swept the gravel to the side of the road, and on my next ride, I thoroughly enjoyed not having to go around the gravel, thru the gravel, over the gravel. We can each clean the areas where we live for ourselves and for the planet. I was talking about that this morning with a friend, who is currently traveling in an RV with her family. She said the online RV groups she is a part of say this very thing: leave the space you camp in better than you found it. Thus we can work on the physical level as well as the energetic level. And in the process, we honor the Earth and everything she provides for us. We are becoming more aware than ever of our relationship with the Earth, and if you sit outside on the ground, you may be able to feel your frequency synching up with the frequency of the Earth. Those of us doing this work are consciously connecting with the New Earth, and it’s amazing to feel the new frequency. If you want to connect, make it your intention. Then see what you experience. Take off your shoes and feel with your feet. Or sit on the ground. This New Earth feels distinctly different. Continue reading

Using Our Expanded Ascension Power Tools

For the last few years, we’ve been working on creating our New Earth to make it real, ever since we first glimpsed it in a higher vibrational frequency. I remember the first time I saw it, when it was “floating” perhaps a foot or two above the earth I was walking on, the earth we’ve all known. When I saw it, I thought, “there it is! How do we get there?” Because even tho it was so close, it was still seemingly out of reach. Continue reading