Circles of Light

I’ve been embracing my power and bringing it into play for many years, ever since I first got wind of it. It’s been a process of self-discovery, because as we free ourselves from patterns that make us act in certain ways, we then free our power and get access to use it in ways that benefit ourselves and others and our whole new scenario. This power is all about service to the whole.

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December 2019 Energies

Things are changing so quickly now as we close out this year and move into the new. One thing I am noticing is I’m no longer using my intention very often to create, because I’m realizing and feeling that it’s already all in existence inside of us, and it’s emerging as we need it based on what we need. I had several examples last Wednesday as I was out doing errands. Whatever I needed showed up as I needed it, and I was often shown what would happen just before it happened.

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Not Our Job

This month is bringing some big energy to disconnect us from all the old 3D stuff that in our New Earth reality is not our job. You might be feeling it’s time to say, I’m not doing that anymore. Or I feel done with that. So if you’re noticing this, pay attention and see where you can disconnect. We especially want to disconnect from anyone not treating us well. Continue reading