Co-creating in New Ways, and in Higher Frequencies

Our intuitive powers are expanding once again. We’re seeing psychically in a much more precise way. Just now, I carried some freshly laundered clothes into my room to put away and into my head came a picture of my cat sitting by the back door waiting to come in. When I went to check, there he was. And a friend called to ask if I knew where here glasses were. I immediately saw them at the south end of the couch, underneath. And there they were. She had looked everywhere. These are just two examples. We are also reading people very quickly, who they are and what they are up to. Also, we have been able to work with weather for many years. Lately, as the weather in my area turns to rain, and the forecast shows all day rain, I have been saying, I need an hour or two of dry weather to ride my bike. For two days, the sun has been out all day when the forecast was for rain. What are you noticing with your intuitive skills and your creative powers?

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