This is our adventure and we’re creating it. But more important, this is our new world and we’re creating it. The more we learn and discover, the more we can create and the more we can see that we are creating.
This past week some were moved into much higher frequencies to continue their work of holding and creating the new space for everyone. You may have noticed wooziness or dizziness when this happened. We’ve been given a new vantage point and a new perspective on what’s taking place. Because of this, some may have had more attacks from the lower energies. Some people have been showing their negativity, their passive-aggressive nature, their reluctance to align with their true self. They are aligning with old programming and external ideas rather than with truth and their own inherent divinity. They have not yet made the connection to who they really are, beyond the facade of the old world. We can simply step away and move on, as there is much to do. Our job is not to change anyone. Each person will change themselves, when they are ready, when they are presented with the opportunity to see the truth for themselves, when they feel the divine light that is shining within them, wanting to be expressed.
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