This Is Our Time

Things are evolving quickly as we continue to move thru gateways into higher frequencies. And while this journey is not what we thought it would be like, we didn’t actually know what it would be like, except that we knew that INSIDE OF US, we were being guided. And this guidance has been strong. And it’s been accurate. Even when we haven’t know exactly why we were doing certain things, we’ve always come to find out that we were right on the path leading into the new time and the New Earth.

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We Are the Gateway

Oh, the journey, it just goes on and on. Friday night was another sleepless one where I was flip-flopping around for hours feeling way too warm even tho the house was cool. We are processing such intense energy as the cosmos is converting us to the newest model of star-infused human. Friday night I was seeing the waves of light and color that have brought us our information for decades. We’re beginning to understand how much we have been influenced by this cosmic-level knowing. It has come into our core, influencing and guiding us on this earthly adventure. The inklings, the twinklings and the knowings have nudged and prompted us, given us visionary experiences and reminded us that we are here for more than we thought. Continue reading