It’s Kismic (Our New Word)

We’ve been moving more quickly into higher-frequency spaces.

Since September got underway we’ve been moving more quickly thru gateways into higher-frequency spaces. So you may be noticing a couple of things. First, the old has separated even more, and second, we are feeling better and better as the rejuvenation continues. We’re feeling a new level of happiness that permeates our being. We begin to see that our own thinking has kept us down, and these patterns continue to release. The habit to think in a negative way has been incredibly limiting, and as we notice it and release it from our own way of being, we can observe it in those around us who are still actively participating in the old dynamics. Negativity is one of the biggies being cleared now. That and alcohol. Alcohol as a substance that is abused is being cleared as well. But don’t worry, the energy cocktails we’re receiving are way stronger and more supportive. Continue reading