A Wrinkle in Time

The energies continue to be powerful and non-stop. The good news is we’ve acclimated to them and are better at aligning with them and moving with them now. And there is definitely movement. We’re seeing that with all our practice we’ve mastered our abilities to do a variety of things and we can now create many things easily. Thus we’re transitioning into our larger creative roles now, where we are creating on a bigger scale—in our communities and beyond.

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In Search of the Miraculous

In college, I bought a book called In Search of the Miraculous by P. D. Ouspensky. I was drawn to it for some reason, even tho I never made my way thru all of it. But the title said a lot, and I know I have been guided my whole life in this direction. To search for something beyond what seemed apparent, to search for something miraculous. As I look back on the process now, I was being moved in a certain direction because I, like all of you, had work to do here, on this planet at this time. And it was work that we have had to feel our way into and thru. This work has led us into a life-changing evolution and into what can indeed be described as a search for the miraculous, where we have experienced so much that we would never have thought possible years ago.

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