Moving into Our Potential

What is taking place now in very subtle ways is amazing. Actually, some of it is not so subtle. So if we are paying attention and not being distracted by all the uproar and idiocy and non-supportive stuff out there, we can notice. The new is sending its runners into our world. These are taking root, and we are seeing the results of all this beautiful new growth.

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Experiencing the Unified Field

Are you noticing the solar flashing? This has been happening often of late, and you can see it even indoors. These are flashes of light that are evolving all of us now, whether we are aware of it or not. There is also a lot of plasma energy, which can impact us physically, especially our heart and digestive system. Again, part of the evolution. You may notice a feeling of intense anticipation and excitement, as we are sensing what is taking place and what we are on the brink of. It’s happening, this is it. Even those who who may seem unaware are being impacted. The change is here.

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The New Earthkeepers

Many are finding this current experience challenging, and it is. There are challenges on many levels, even when you rise above the intense fear that has been triggered globally. However, there are interesting and unusual things happening as well. For whatever reason, it is often the challenging times that move us into the new, only because we as humans have learned to struggle so much with change.

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Experiencing New Earth

We are in the midst of so much mystery now, so much magic, as we release the old earth and move into the new. The energies are swirling, reminding me of the witches in Shakespeare tending their pots. A very, very new experience is here, and we are sampling it now as we dip into this concoction that has been created. It is beautiful, it is powerful, it is going to knock our socks off. We are just starting to see what’s possible. Continue reading