Anything Is Possible

As we continue to move into theses new energies we are going to have some things happen that our rational mind may have trouble grasping. When such things do transpire, the best practice is to not overly analyze them, but instead realize we are in new territory, where anything is possible. We are creating our new world, and we are seeing our creations come into being. And this world we are creating is one of healing, beauty, co-creation, sovereignty, intention and love. We are in an interactive process with this now, creating as we go.

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Growing Our Dreams

There’s so much bad news on the news that I wanted to share a funny story. I was walking one evening when the state trooper who lives in the neighborhood drove by, getting off her shift. Even after all the years she’s lived here, I don’t know her. But I wave when she passes on the little road where I walk. There are no sidewalks, so walkers share the road with cars. On this particular evening, something new took over and I found myself doing a silly wave with two hands like a little kid. It was some new aspect of me coming on board. Surprisingly, the trooper waved back the same way! I burst out laughing. About three weeks later, she drove by again, and I waved with one hand. Her face lit up and she gave me the silly two-handed wave. It was so funny, and now we do it every time we pass. Continue reading