New Territory

We are moving through portals into new territory. In each new space we are learning new things. Yesterday I had coffee with a friend and wondered out loud, how will people shift? What will it look like?

A few hours after that I had a call from a friend to tell me that he had had an amazing day. He had been guided to turn off all his electronics, not answer his email or worry about any obligations, and to just sit in the quiet. Not long after that, he said, he began to receive psychic information, which he normally doesn’t receive. He was guided to release his lifelong fear, that it was no longer needed. He was able to see this fear in a new way and to understand why he had it. He was also guided to stop over-thinking things, to just begin to trust that things would work out if he followed his guidance. This led to a problem resolving.

He was very excited as he told me about this, and he said he was going to spend at least a half hour a day disconnected from all electronics–TV, music, cell phone, and computer. “It’s interfering with me connecting with who I am,” he said.

So here was the answer to my question and it appeared right at the Solstice, as part of the gateway opening for us to move more fully into who we are.

Trust your own guidance when it comes, because quite clearly we are all going to be guided toward our wholeness, toward reconnection with Self. The beautiful synchronicity of this process is amazing. In fact, I am writing this on 12/21 at 11:22. We are surrounded by perfection that reminds us of our connection to Source and to the divinity that is alive within each one of us.

Here is our message for right now. We are all agents of change, and our power returns when we accept the responsibility for being a creator of the world to be, the world we are shaping and forming as fellow dreamers. It is time to stop spinning our wheels and dream big. It is time to connect with and accept who we are and why we are here. And we are being guided, each of us, to do that now.

I drew this card for us from my new deck of New Earth Experience cards. We are in this space of connection and creation now. What guidance are you receiving? What are you being asked to release so that you can move into more connection with your Self?


2 thoughts on “New Territory

  1. Terry, thanks for your clear and inspiring blogs. They’re the next-best thing to being there in person with you! And your cards touch everyone who reads them. I’ve been letting people around me draw and read one, and they’re so moving. One woman even wrote down the content of the card in her notebook. The only problem is, everybody wants to keep their card!

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