Our New Hearts

We are in the midst of so much change, shifting into new spaces every few days, and each time we do this we have less connection to the old spaces that used to be our lives. The familiar patterns of our old lives are becoming a distant memory, and those of us who have been at this for a while may find we almost don’t recognize the person we used to be. We continue to welcome more of our higher aspects into our physicality. We begin to realize these higher aspects are who we are. It is so much easier to be them than who we were. We are settling into this new territory that is filled with creative potential, where we can experience the opportunity to live in a new way.

This latest shift is moving us out of any desire to interact and relate at the old levels, primarily because we are no longer synched up to relate to them. Now that we are building and maintaining the new grid, trying to visit the old scenarios to attempt to do anything feels downright uncomfortable. We can, at any moment, decide that we are done with that and focus instead on the real work that is engaging us now–expanding our Edens. We have created ample bridges and pathways for people to use to access their own Edens. All they have to do is choose to give up being passive and move into self-empowerment. We each must establish sovereignty and be the impetus for our own growth. No one can do it for us, altho we can get assistance to help us gain the tools and fundamentals necessary. Then we clear the worn-out patterns that no longer serve us so that we can move beyond artificial limitations into the brilliant light of our own becoming.

Nearly every day now I am hearing from people who are beginning this process and wonder if it’s possible to clear deep, sometimes dark patterns. Yes. You just begin and you make your intention to move into your authenticity and truth. We are all supported in amazing ways to do this. We just have to choose it and want it more than we want anything the old world offers. Because the old world pales compared to the new.image1

As we embrace higher frequencies we access Christ consciousness and the crystalline essence that forms from it. We anchor this consciousness as our new being, and then begin to make spontaneous heart connections with other people, even strangers. There is a visible exchange of light with this, and right after I experienced this several times one day, a friend shared a photo she took of her son and one of their cats when he reached out to touch the cat’s paw. The heart imprints emanating from our 5D consciousness are helping others to access this new experience for themselves. The imprints are solar-based templates that replace the old. So the fact that this is now happening spontaneously will speed up the long process we’ve been in.

We are all conduits for love. Each of us is an explosion of consciousness in our community. We are like dandelions going to seed. First there are a few of us, and then beautiful yellow dandelions are everywhere, like miniature suns. Such beauty and such power to spread the new light.IMG_2487

As July began I found myself in a cocoon of platinum/blue light going to the my center and back out, for just a few minutes. Then I heard, we are the nexus. A nexus is a connection linking two or more things, the central or most important point or place. So what are we linking? The old and the new. Once the new grid is in place, we are the link, the connection for others to get there. We are asked to release any judgments about the readiness of others. We will be challenged by this because we can’t see all that is taking place. We are now moving back into the world to be this bridge, this link, this opportunity.

Thus it is important to focus not on what is happening in the old world, but to hold the space of the new world and to live in that new space of joy and peace and harmony and heart-based creation. The new grows stronger thru us in every moment.

Our nexus role is pivotal. We are creating something so new, so bright, so light, so alive that there is no way to put this into 3D parlance. There is no understanding of this for those who are steeped in old world ways, and yet this doesn’t matter. We don’t need to describe it, we only need to be it, to do it, to live it unequivocally. When we do this we are extremely convincing and our energy leadership creates “fellowship.” The magnetic energy and magnetism is irresistibly strong, pulling people into the now-ness and the newness. Eventually we are all creating fellowship and unity.

So remember, we are the light, and as our light expands, it lights up our neighborhood, our town, the next town, and finally, the whole planet.

In the speech he just gave in Dallas, President Obama quoted Ezekiel, saying “I will give you a new heart.” We all need these new hearts, he said, these hearts that are open. In 2009 I was awakened in the night by what sounded like a cannon, and brilliant white light pierced the bedroom wall and went all the way thru my heart. We have given you a new heart, I heard. One by one, we are all getting new hearts now, hearts that can open to the love that is streaming in, the love that can unite all of us in new ways, in the worlds we have dreamed of and are creating now.

2 thoughts on “Our New Hearts

  1. Thank you, life is diffidently changing and bringing things that are hard to deal with and still be from the heart.

    Blessings Gayle

  2. Yesterday after lunch was a great example of just what you’re talking about here- We were saying goodbye and standing in the street by my car transferring a bag when a truck drove by and honked at us. You said, “Did someone just honk at us?” And as I nodded yes, we both simultaneously burst out into laughter. That person’s momentary anger didn’t touch us, and we may have transformed that energy right back into love.

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