Moving into the New

We’ve been in the thick of clearing deeply held old patterns, and some of this clearing has been very intense. We’ve been at this for years, making it possible for us to be in this new space. But now we’re taking care of whatever we can’t take to this new space and all the higher spaces because it is no longer in alignment with who we are. This is taking many forms, as the clearing is on all levels and aspects—our physical body, emotional body, mental body, and all the frequencies we are exploring at this point. We can’t take the old with us, and we’re being shown what we’re still holding. Everyone is impacted. Continue reading

Our New Hearts

We are in the midst of so much change, shifting into new spaces every few days, and each time we do this we have less connection to the old spaces that used to be our lives. The familiar patterns of our old lives are becoming a distant memory, and those of us who have been at this for a while may find we almost don’t recognize the person we used to be. We continue to welcome more of our higher aspects into our physicality. We begin to realize these higher aspects are who we are. It is so much easier to be them than who we were. We are settling into this new territory that is filled with creative potential, where we can experience the opportunity to live in a new way. Continue reading