Our New Multidimensional Selves

We are experiencing a cycle of change such as we have never seen. When we look at it thru the eyes of current events, it looks like turmoil and chaos. But if we step back and look from the deep knowing within our heart, we can see it is a cosmic unfolding, long in the making, where we—each and every one of us—are embracing our stellar origin in a brand new format. We are discovering who we are, and then we are expanding our who we are-ness into This is who we are and we have come to change the planet. We have come to bring peace to every fiber of every being and to turn every last bit of negativity into LOVE. And we are doing this NOW.

By importing our multidimensional self into the physicality of our now-ness, we are aligning ourselves with and owning our power as divine creators. When we release every bit of not believing we are enough we move into the fierce but gentle knowing that all we are is love. We held so many beliefs that weren’t true and we took them personally. We lived them and acted on them. But now, the unrelenting blast-furnace energies are gifting us with new insights and increasing freedom. We begin to be uncompromising. We embrace peace with the fullness of our being. We are true to ourselves. As our hearts open we relax into alignment and balance. And we slowly but ever so surely begin to notice we are LOVE. The very thing that we were looking for has always been inside of us.

Photo from friend. L is for Love.

Photo from friend. L is for Love.

As we embody more and more of this intense light we can become a trigger for others. We trigger some softly, so that they look to see where the light is coming from. We trigger some more strongly, so that they turn to old patterns of anger or control. But inside their heart, the light has taken hold. It’s growing, it’s talking to them, it might even be singing. It’s showing the way. And we are doing nothing but holding the light and opening our hearts to expand the universe of love. 💙💛💜💜

We live, we breathe, and we embody the new ways. This is our leadership: we exemplify how to be in the New Earth. A woman I have gotten to know slightly, who is very driven, just said to me that she gave herself permission to take a time out the other day because she knew I would have done that. “You inspired me,” she said, “to let up on myself.” And I never said a word.

We are no longer waiting for anyone. We are moving past the old fears into all the newness and magic and discovering we are creating on the fly. We are creating by doing something that engages us and brings us to life. We are going out on a limb to see what lies beyond the limits that we once accepted. We learn by doing, by experimenting with our new mastery tools.

We no longer ask permission to be who we are. We simply embody it. We become as big as the light that we hold. We become formidable and unstoppable in the most beautiful, enlivening, inspirational way. We expand past limitation.IMG_2448

Vast quantities of light are streaming into our physical beings, animating our new crystalline structure and empowering our new frequency. When we are new to the process, we notice the unusual synchronicities. As we become sovereign, we enter the magical realm and witness the phenomenal magic that is all around. As we embrace our divinity and our power to create, we see that our extraordinary essence surrounds us. We create a beautiful, heart-based world inside, and then see it grow outside, bringing us into the New Earth.

We are moving into mastery We are expanding past the linear framework that we have learned to use, into a multidimensional process/prowess. Our galactic origin unifies with our earthly physicality. We bring the power of the cosmos into our cells, the fire of the sun into our hearts, and our inner knowing into our awareness. We become who we are, one by one. And by the power of our light, we unify. Each is lit up in a new way, dreaming a new dream, creating a New Earth, and all the creations come together.

In the last few days we have moved into yet another new space. The energies continue to move thru us, bringing anything still hidden into the light of our awareness. We can wonder why we have to go thru so much, and then we suddenly emerge in a majestic new space that amazes us, that reflects back to us the results of all the work we have done, in a shining, sparkling, fantastic way. We clear out the old patterns, we encounter new levels of trust and belief in what we are capable of, we accept increased levels of authentic power, and then our new, re-calibrated surroundings appear, in a marvelous reflection of who we have just become.

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