What Is Your Purpose?

A beautiful person who’s awakening and moving into wholeness just contacted me to ask, What is her purpose in life? When we tuned into this during her session, what came thru is, we need to ask a different question. Asking what our purpose is comes from a place of powerlessness. In the old world, we learned how to be powerless. We mastered it and it can be a hard habit to break free from. But we now know we no longer wish to be powerless. So we’re learning how to embody our power.

We change the question we’re asking.

That means we change the question. A Self-empowering question is, What purpose am I creating in my life? This question requires you to go into your heart, into your divinity, into your own power as a conscious creator. It’s not a passive question asked from the mind. And when you ask what purpose you are creating, then you are tasked to begin. You’ve given yourself purpose by simply asking a new question. We want to empower ourselves at every moment, so that we can be behind the wheel of our own lives. Being a creator means creating, and building from the ground up. We need all new everything.

What are you creating? What do you want to create? As we leave the limitation of the old world, these are important considerations. It’s time for us to reorient from the passive place that we have hung out in for years. Claiming our power means acting in new ways, from our higher consciousness, from our inner wisdom. We are accessing our authenticity and reclaiming who we ARE.

We are conscious creators. We are creating what we want to see in the world, what we Love. You can ask your Self what you Love. Many people say they don’t know. But we can begin with the basics. What if we start with peace, harmony, co-creation, mutual support, personal neutrality, heart-based relationships, and the ability to live in balance with all things? That can be our starting point. We can add to it as we go. When we don’t know what we Love, then we are still in our mind. Drop into the heart center. Begin to feel your way thru your daily experience. Your heart is already letting you know what it wants, either with yesses or nos. It’s sending messages all the time about what makes it happy and what doesn’t. Our heart center knows how to do that and all we have to do is listen. A yes is our guidance that we’re going in a direction that makes us happy. But when the heart center tightens with a no, it’s important to listen to that too. Going against ourselves is never empowering.

This is an inside job, where we clear our own blocks to our own personal awesomeness.

Once we know what we want to create, we begin to do that. We lead the way. We make a path. I met with a small group of women last week to share some of this. They were in resonance immediately, asking How can we be authentic? How can we create supportive community? It all begins inside of us of course. This is an inside job, where we clear our own blocks to our own personal awesomeness.

We’re beginning to see things in new ways as we embody the new consciousness. It seems like every day now we’re getting new insights and realizations. We are definitely seeing and feeling how out of resonance and out of synch we are with the old world. In fact, the last few days, you may be noticing how heavy and intense the collective energy feels. It’s definitely dragging on us with the fears and anger of those still unwilling to move into their own sovereignty. This has become visible now, we can see it everywhere we go. There is a new group awakening now, beginning to go thru what we have gone thru in the last 5 years, 10 years, 20 years of our awakening process. We can be a resource for them, especially if they’re not aware of what’s taking place. And remember, as we change ourselves, everything around us changes.

At these times it’s super important to be extra supportive of ourselves. Give your self and your Self good care and rest. Offer your self/Self supportive messages. Many of us have been very tired again as well. There is major work being done at the collective level to clear the cobwebs and we are using our efforts to anchor and hold the new in place. You may also be seeing bits and pieces of old energy skittering away. It’s no longer supported in our new spaces and it’s looking for somewhere—anywhere—to land.

In August I sat outside one night with a friend watching the meteor shower. Not long after that I was looking something up and came across a quote from a French astronomer and mystic in the 1800s: “We cannot reproduce, experimentally, a shooting-star.” He was defending psychic information. Even tho we can’t prove it, we can know it. And just like we can watch a shooting star blaze across the night sky in a burst of light, we can also be lit up with knowing. Knowing illuminates us and points the way. It’s one of our tools, a way for us to access more of who we are, a way to connect with what lies beyond the physical realm. The more we trust our knowing, the more it communicates with us. So pay attention to your own nudges and inklings, this is your personal GPS. Our human body was designed for psychic communication. Begin to listen to what you’re hearing.

The other day I stopped at a coffee shop I sometimes go to, and the fellow who works there exclaimed, “It worked! It worked! I just sent you a message to come in and you did.” This is a person who took early retirement from his career in international banking to work in a way less stressful environment: a local coffee shop. And now he’s learning some new ways to communicate. It was great to see how excited he was. This is part of the awakening we are seeing. He could have texted or called, but he used his higher evolutionary skills. No batteries needed.

Opening our hearts as far as we can, we encounter what is at the edges of our wildest imagining.

In this process we’re all going thru, we awaken to Love. We are still learning about the power of Love to transform and transmute all that kept us small. But as we expand into all this new territory, opening our hearts as far as we can, we encounter what is at the edges of our wildest imagining: our ability to be whole, to be sovereign, to be free, to be no longer contained by the little boxes of the old world. We encounter our divinity. We discover the magic. This is one heck of a trip.

One thought on “What Is Your Purpose?

  1. The timing of this message is perfect. Thank you so much for always giving the perfect message at the perfect time. ( perfect seems to be the word for the day lol) Blessings for all you do.

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