The Equinox Gateway

The fall Equinox was a powerful gateway. At 1 in the morning I was awakened by pulses of electro-magnetic energy moving thru me. It felt like lightning and I had about 30 different muscles twitching from my toes to my head, all at once. We never know how this energy will be felt and it’s often different with new sensations or experiences as well as some of the familiar ones. There has still been lots of clearing energy over the weekend as we are being asked to release all of the old that we still hold. This clearing can come in many forms as our physical body works to adapt and align with the new, which at this point is all around us. At this time we are seeing the massive breakdown of the old as we envision and dream the new. Now that we are New World Creators, we are doing this thru our own willingness to let go of all the unworkable stuff of the old world. We stop giving it our time and our energy and we envision what we do want.

Many are still in resistance, holding onto the old ways of struggle and fight. If we insist on this, we simply hold ourselves in the old patterns where we remain stuck and unhappy, wanting our life to be different. Letting go is challenging because it goes against old belief systems, especially if we hold anger toward another. But our anger only harms us, because those others are on their own karmic journey of creating what they need to experience. We can choose to move into a higher-frequency experience where we are creating peace and harmony and balance in our lives. But we have to CHOOSE this, with every choice. The process is ongoing. When we choose Love we find solutions and co-creative resolution. We expand instead of contract. Our world comes into alignment and balance.

Every time we choose Love, we create more of the New Earth around us.

As we open to the new, we physically shift and we discover our surroundings are different. People begin to treat us in new ways, with respect and love because we are vibrationally different. Old patterns are designed to limit us, which is why we have to challenge them. As we challenge them, we create freedom, and in the freedom we connect with Love. Every time we choose Love, we create more of the New Earth around us. It’s all about the vibration we are choosing and emitting.

This whole experience is vibrational, and what allows us to move into a new way of being is the work we do to raise our vibration. We begin to love ourselves in a new way, respecting our Self for who we ARE. We begin to say what we need from a place of loving and respecting our Self. We begin giving our Self the love and support that we need. When we do this, many of the ones around us begin to do this, too. We are treating our Self in a new way, we are treating everyone around us in a new way, they in turn are treating us in a new way. Our behavior changes without any effort on our part to change it, it simply evolves as we become new. You may catch yourself observing this new you and marveling at your new ability to navigate conscious awareness, balance, harmony and sovereignty.

We create in an effortless way.

We move into our power, the power that is fueled by Love, the power that is connected to divine source. We tap into a resource we never knew was there, the ability to create true change effortlessly, by simply envisioning. We practice holding this level of power and using it. It is only available to us thru our purity.

We find we are finally setting ourselves free from the limitation of the past, the unhappiness and competition and lack of the old world. We seriously lost our way there, and we are only beginning to find our way now.

The deeper and higher you go, the more Love and compassion you will feel. The negative orientation dissipates, allowing your internal organs, your whole physical structure, to reconvene in a new way, to feel revitalized and recharged. We reconfigure with sacred geometry. We begin anew.

We become light-infused. We develop a new understanding of how things work and we work in new ways. We no longer try to do things, we simply do them from our new Love/power framework. And we discover how much we can do by simply deciding what to create. We clear misalignment and misdirection, so that our focus is clear. With our new laser focus, we move beyond limitation. Whatever comes to us, we change into Love. Whatever we send out, we send out as Love. And finally, we are in the Love Field, operating as part of this unified whole.

We were never ready for this before, so we were unable to access it. But now that we can access it, we are learning how to make this our entire existence. Once we experience it, our knowing and our remembering are triggered, and we choose to BE this way.

Our Grand Plan is written within.

We are more than we know, more than we ever thought. Our Grand Plan is written within. As we listen to it/act upon it, our new reality appears. We clear the old timelines we were following and move into multidimensional awareness, which allows us to see, sense, hear, and create beyond what we were able to do in the 3D realm. We begin interfacing with the new, seamlessly entering to experience, create, enjoy, then stepping out briefly for other interactions where we don’t yet have full confidence. And then back in, called by the magnificence, the serenity, the peace and the Love.

Eventually we stay in our new home, no longer compelled by anything old, knowing we now desire and can choose the resonance of the New.

The Equinox gateway opened wide into our new NOW, into our New Earth.

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