There is a common pattern many of us have experienced that is now up for release. It’s the need to rescue or save others. Releasing this frees up much energy within that we can then focus on creating anew, using our internal state of peace and our inherent creative power.
Someone just asked me why she was still having pain in her hip, and when I looked at it, I saw a ball about the size of an orange, but dark pink in color, like tissue. I continued looking at it until it showed what it was holding. From a young age this woman had been given responsibility for others in her life, specifically her mother, and this had started at such a tender age that she didn’t know another way to be. She began taking care of others and is still taking care of those around her including members of her extended family, often before she takes care of herself. In fact, during our conversation, she told me she might get a call from her aunt needing help.
So held in this ball was her anger and frustration with being the one that everyone turns to, that everyone wants help from. This was creating pain and restriction that was wanting to get her attention so that this pattern could be changed. This pattern, ultimately, led to her wanting to save everyone, or try to. “It’s the story of my life,” she said.

As we truly Love our Self, the overflow goes to all those around us and they are attracted to this, like bees to blossoms.
This is a common pattern among women especially. The fact is, we can’t save anyone, no matter how much we try. This pattern, passed along for ages, leads to powerlessness and feelings of helplessness. Those of us who are here now can change this as we support the release and begin to act in new ways. Once we are aware of this pattern, we are empowered. We can stop ourselves each time we try to rescue someone and remind ourselves to focus Love on our Self. As we truly Love our Self, the overflow goes to all those around us and they are attracted to this, like bees to blossoms. They begin to want to create this experience for themselves. This is how we spread and share our Light, the Light that is growing within us, filling all the spaces that were powerless areas of “less than” and “not worthy” or “not loved,” all the places where we tried too hard to be something that we are not.
As the current influx of light activates us, we are able to reclaim who we ARE, our authentic Self. We are able to change fallow ground within us to hallowed ground, sowing our new inner holiness. The word holy comes from an old word meaning health, happiness and wholeness. This is what we are creating for ourselves and for everyone who wishes to embrace a new way of being. Our divinity, really, is our wholeness and our health. It’s our happiness.
We have been experiencing the inflow of the Divine Feminine into our being, and we’re experiencing the healing and restructuring of the masculine and feminine energies. These are now integrating at a higher level. We each have both of these inside us. And as the masculine side steps aside now and allows the feminine to lead, we are re-learning how to be. How to lead with our Divine Feminine energy and allow that to be supported by our Divine Masculine. We are learning a new way of doing. We’re no longer following the dictates of the mind, do this, do that, we are following the heart, which wants to be happy by being true. The heart, as the new governing body of our Self, is focused on creating what we Love and does not wish to be told what to do. Its guidance is clear—stop agreeing to the old ways. We become new not only thru the influx of Light, but thru choice. We begin to live in a new way by doing in a new way. The new Light comes in, we absorb it, it changes us, we begin to consciously act, with awareness, in new ways.
I’ve been watching my own Self act in new ways. One of them is staying open to people and not forming a judgment about them. There is a couple I’ve seen around for the last couple of years but never felt any commonality with. This summer, I began running into them on my walk nearly every day. We’ve become friendly, and I’ve discovered they are very funny. Yesterday, they told me they saw a praying mantis on their house. And we’ve never seen these here until last month. She said, “I want to look up what it means to see one. I love finding out what it means to see a particular animal or insect.” So being open has led to us creating commonality. When I got home, there was a beautiful green mantis on my front porch: a reminder to look up the symbolism. What I read is, praying mantis not only represents being at peace, it is also capable of great power. Peace and power is very much what we’re doing now with the Divine Feminine as we create the New around us and the old paradigms give way.
We are all sensing in our own way the emergence of our divinity. The energy that we were always told was outside of us is now within. Once we are aware of it, it becomes available for us to create with. We’re realizing we can’t save the world, but we can create a new one. We stop supporting the old world in any ways that we can. We stop giving it our energy. We stop rescuing people who believe they are powerless. We love ourselves so that we can BE Love, so that we can act in kind and loving ways. We continue to clear the patterns that made us act in non-loving ways. Our happiness emerges. We’re finding that people around us are evolving and beginning to BE in new ways. We are experiencing wave after wave of energy now as this experience amplifies and carries us more deeply into the heart, into truth, into unity.
We can surrender to what is taking place, set aside our doubt, trust our own knowing, follow the guidance we are sensing and feeling, and realize we are experiencing a magnificent shift in consciousness that is remaking everything. We can experience peace and power. Once we make peace with ourselves, we have peace in our world. And in that space we find the potential to create something new using our power. Our power emerges from the alignment of our heart, our truth and our sovereignty. It is a new form of life force energy that animates us, a potent blend where the holy quality of our being is naturally expressed as divinity in our doing.
These are no longer separate. We have had, in the old world, a separation between these. But action is now unified with thought as our core makeup shifts for us to be able to create effortlessly thru what we think and envision.
Sunday morning I saw a yellow wave streaming in. This is further activating our solar center and our ability to create. A possible side effect is nausea while we are integrating this light. For me, the nausea is even stronger today so I’m going to end now and go have some peppermint tea!