Trust, Release, Create as Everything Is Reconfigured

We continue to move into the new and surprising energy of the New Earth. I mentioned in the last post we had a 12-hour livestream of invigorating energy last weekend, and then I spent the next two days on the couch integrating that magnificent intensity. We continue to move thru the cycle of download and integrate and then experience as we find out what’s in the package we have just received.

c. Steven Andrews, 2018

This package was full of love. And that has played out in interesting ways in my life. First, in the mail, came a gorgeous drawing of beets from my brother. And when I looked up what beets mean, surprise, surprise, they represent the heart and Love. My brother has recently gone back to his art, hearing the call of his own creative expression. I also love all the new growth emerging from theses beets, just as it is from all of us. As the heart-opening energy permeates, we’re all sprouting Love in new ways. And we’re sharing our new Self in new ways.

We’re being turned inside out to release all those glitchy little programs that make us think we’re not OK. We’re being shown what those are now especially in our interactions with others. So remember, if anything comes up, check to see if it’s something to release, then release it. We create change by changing our own template, structure and makeup, so that we are broadcasting from a new high-frequency, light-filled, heart-based configuration.

The next thing that happened for me was I was invited to dinner with five other women. A friend wanted me to meet two women I didn’t know. We started the evening by each sharing a bit of our story, where we were from and what we did so that we’d each have a sense of who we were. One of the women mentioned how important it was to manifest the lives we want to have. It was surprising to hear someone else bring this up, instead of me. So we ended up having a great heart-felt conversation and connection and everyone said they wanted to do it again soon. In the last 20 years we’ve created the pathways and now many are using them. We’re going to be seeing more and more of this because everything is connected. If we pick a flower, we jiggle a star. We’re all in the unified field.

The next thing happened as I was driving on the highway to do an errand. As I pulled into the left turn lane to turn off the highway at an intersection, I saw a state trooper coming behind me at a high speed with lights flashing. He was going straight. The light turned red just as he got to the intersection and he put his siren on. But a car had pulled out right in front of him because that light was green. My arms went up involuntarily, since it looked like a certain crash, but then I said, No crash! And miraculously the trooper swerved as the car also moved out of the way.

I’m sharing this story as a reminder to be clear with your intention always. Practice this. Because our intention is powerful. I noticed a while back that if I start to drop a bowl or a glass when I am washing it, if I think I’m catching it, I do. Or if I trip and start to fall, I immediately have the thought I am not falling. And I don’t. We usually do just the opposite, we trip and think, oh no, I’m falling. But when you can practice saying what you want to have happen, then this becomes a habit and we begin to create supportive outcomes. Make a habit of expressing your intention for everything so that it goes smoothly. This helps to align your brain with the flow. Even if you’re running late, you don’t need to speed. You can say, “I will arrive at exactly the right time.” The energy now is in place more than it’s ever been to support us in creating. It’s up to us to begin to use this as part of our inherent power and creative essence.

We continue to restructure everything, beginning inside, letting go of the should’s and have to’s. We’re feeling into our own dream about what we want to experience. Many still say they don’t know what they want, and when I mention the basics of peace, harmony and love, they say, oh yes, they’d like that. But this is not about what we’d like, it’s about what we are creating. We have to make this part of our creation. We say, I am creating peace, harmony and love. And I’m creating it first inside of me. Once we begin waking up, we can surrender what we held on to from a lack of awareness.

Sharing the beauty of our creations.

One of the women at the dinner I just went to said she likes to create things, but she doesn’t call herself an artist because of the belief that artists have to suffer to create, and she doesn’t want to suffer. So I suggested she change that belief, which is old and not even true. Artists don’t have to suffer to create, they can create from a place of joy. They can share their magic with others. She hadn’t thought of that, and she said, then she could be an artist, because she loves to create beautiful things.

We empower ourselves by reclaiming what is ours, by reclaiming what has been taken from us, by not agreeing to any limitations that keeps us from our beauty and the expression of our soul’s truth.

Ellis’ drawing.

And then the final thing that happened this week was one of my friends from New Mexico was in town and we met for coffee. She was with her 5-year-old grandson, who told me he had drawn a picture for me. Even the little ones are feeling the energy.

Everything is being reconfigured now, which is why we have to be willing to release all of the old. We are being activated into our potential, activated to have a new experience, so we have to make space for it. We have to begin to use what we are being given, to make it a part of us, to embody it so that we become it. We have to take responsibility for who we ARE now. We are not who we were. We are an expanded new version embodying many cosmic elements. We have to trust the knowing that is inside of us, guiding us. We have to believe the feelings that are guiding us to a new way. We have to begin to make new choices.

The Love that is growing inside us is being reflected all around us. The divinity that we have awakened to that is inside us is being reflected all around us. So we are seeing a new world take shape, a world that surprises us with the beauty of its reflection and makes us feel happy. By loving our Selves, we are seeing that Love expand into our reality. We are shifting into a whole new everything based on unity and Love, and leading the way, creating the new framework, for all to experiencing the shift.

2 thoughts on “Trust, Release, Create as Everything Is Reconfigured

  1. Words are one of the ways I enjoy creating. When writing words I regularly rewrite them. It a a process of letting beauty unfold. I’m working on how to do that with my words in a conversation. I’d like them to have the attention to improvement I give my written words, so beauty can manifest more fully there too. I think this is consistent with reconfiguration you write of Terry.

    • Rod: Yes, yes and yes! I love what you wrote and how you described it; the attention to beauty, and letting beauty unfold. And we can do this in many ways. That you are now doing it with words that you speak is the Love coming thru, wanting to go out and be heard. We can all do this. It’s such a wonderful idea. The expression of beauty is the expression of our soul, that we are bringing to the world.

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