We are so close to seeing some very new things. As we move into this new time, it is super important to focus on what you want, as opposed to what you don’t want. The lower-frequency forces are hard at work creating things to distract us and upset us, so be aware of where you are putting your energy. We waste our time by hating anything. Our purpose is best served by focusing on what we want to see, what we want to create in our new world.
I run into quite a few people who bring up how upset they are by political stuff. And on the surface it might look like a mess. But we want to stay focused on what we are creating above and beyond that: our New Earth. We are at a pivotal time and we need many who can focus on what we are doing at this time.
When we are out and about now there are all kinds of distractions. It’s important for us to observe them and go around them. We no longer need to engage at that level. This simply takes our energy, uses it, and keeps us stuck. We have to choose to go around and beyond. As I said in the 11/25 post, we’re looking for something “meteor.” We’re headed for the light. We’re embodying the light and making it a part of us. We’re releasing all the old, heavy, non-supportive stuff that has not contributed to our joy and happiness.
We’re now seeing these old timelines drop out. We’re seeing the tired patterns of trying to “be good” within the old structure shift. You can tread water in the old pool for as long as you want. Or you can swim to the edge and climb out and start living in a new way. You can embrace the magic and the potential that are waiting for you.
Many are being awakened/triggered now as the process intensifies. Many are getting new information coming to them. They are sensing in a new way and paying attention.
Yesterday I dozed off briefly and was awakened by a small hand touching my left shoulder in a gentle yet vivid way. I felt it and also saw it in my mind’s eye. It was the hand of an etheric being. Someone else just shared with me that she had this happen as well. It is a telltale sign of us going even higher/further into the new, like ET connecting. But it’s more than that. It’s also our higher aspects returning, to bring us even further into the new and what we came here to do.
We continue to have pathways opened, inner connections activated, our remembering triggered. We are having moments of leaving the linear framework, where our memories can “spin out” and come back in a more positive format, where we remember them with more positivity.
Many of our old experiences involved struggle, sacrifice and not being in our truth. As we release those patterns, we find that our new experiences are effortless. They happen, like magic. We think about something and it comes into being. In the past, we’d think about something we wanted and then think, that will never happen. And we’d think of all the reasons it wouldn’t happen. Now that we are embracing our creative powers, we’re being shown we can just think about something and it happens. Once we clear the blocks within, we’re able to access the inherent power to be a creator.
The New Earth is what we step into when we are willing to release all the old ways of doing and being. We are now able to experience it every day, simply because we’re willing to make a new choice, because we’re willing to let go, because we’re willing to move past fear, because we’re willing to stop agreeing with the old systems that created limitation. Once it is unblocked, we use our will to create.
When we believe in our Selves, we can move into our new roles and purposes. Once we know who we are, we no longer allow anyone else to make us small. We no longer agree to the old rules. We allow our Selves to live in an expanded way, claiming our brilliance, our authenticity, our sovereignty, our light. When we do this, we are showing others a new way of being so that they can begin to expand as well. We are unlimited, and as we are activated, we move into being able to see this.
By expanding our awareness and our consciousness, we change the world inside us and the world around us. As we lighten up, we light up, within and without. Our light is contagious. And it creates change.

Thousands of orbs in this photo of Christmas lights at a friend’s house. It shows how much the world is changing and how many energies are supporting us in this change.
All the energies coming our way now are helping us to expand. We’re sensing them, we’re feeling them, we’re hearing them, we’re even seeing them. Some make us sleepy and we doze off to integrate, some enliven us, some make us want to create, some ask us to clear, showing us where we still hold density. The other night, as I went to bed, I noticed the ringing in my ears, which had almost disappeared, was suddenly amplified. But I was hearing something new. It sounded like I was listening to snowflakes falling, big, thick, beautiful snowflakes, and I could see the wave of energy creating this. And each crystalline flake was impacting our own crystalline structure. This energy filled me with Love, and it lasted for about 10 minutes. That was followed by a different tone that felt like electricity was moving thru my legs. It was uncomfortable, and it lasted about 10 minutes as well. And then yet another wave of energy came, and I fell asleep.
There is so much happening on so many levels. Sometimes it’s comfortable, sometimes it’s not, and yet thru it all we are embodying more newness, more sovereignty, more authenticity, more Love. As we experience the unified field, our big, bright beautiful new Selves are behaving in new ways and having experiences that surprise and delight us. We’re beginning to feel normal again, yet in a new way, a whole way, because we’ve shed the fear, the doubt, and a ton of density and discovered that underneath all that is someone who loves peace, who loves harmony, who loves balance, and is very sparkly. And who knows it is ALL about Love.
All those “snowflakes” falling into our consciousness are bringing purity to our world. As soon as we are ready we become new, and our world is new. Once we trust that this is possible, it’s there. And because we are creating beyond limitation, there’s even more coming. If we can dream it, we can make it happen. And then some.
Everything is being restructured, and we are emerging new, each as we are ready and our body is able to make the changes. Every part of us is evolving, on all levels and dimensionally too. All we have to do is embrace it, be it and live it.
Last night I looked out to see two skunks dancing and playing in the backyard. Skunks are normally solitary, so this felt like new behavior. They scurried off when I turned on the light. But I could feel the unity, the community, the fluidity and the joy of their movement as they expressed who they were. A reflection of our own beautiful new dance as we embrace the power and truth of who we are, unifying in the higher frequencies of co-creation, coming together in support and Love.