Our Blooming Power

December has been an eventful month, as we move thru gateway after gateway into the new. The separation, which has been taking place for some time, is becoming amplified. You may notice this as you connect with those you have not seen in a week or two or more. The ability to relate is more challenging. The gap is growing. Our desire to bridge the gap is lessening. As we embody more of our soul, we move more into the new world that we are creating.

We’re experiencing many feelings as we go thru the separation of the old from the new.

Right now, we may not personally know many others who are experiencing this. Online, we can see some of their experiences so we know we are not alone. But the feelings of being alone have intensified this fall as well. These feelings come and go. Sometimes we feel alone, as if no one else knows what we’re going thru. Other times we feel happiness and joy, as we experience connection with the new. This is all part of the process, as we go thru the separation of the old world from the new. And in December I’ve been having many dreams and visions of this separation taking place, and many choosing to move into the new.

We’re each being guided thru this process. We’re being guided to open our hearts so that we can experience Love. As we begin to live in this new way, from our heart center, our focus shifts from judgment to compassion and love for others. And it happens sometimes seemingly on its own. Maybe there is someone you have felt irritation with, and then you see this person and feel only love and compassion. This helps to evolve all of us, and helps even the one you are now feeling love and compassion for. In fact, when we are feeling love for them, we are helping them to evolve, as this has been missing in their lives.

I often don’t know what is going to come thru in these posts, and yet I hear from many of you that it was exactly what you needed to read. Our intuition is working in this way now, and we are receiving so much information. People are popping into our minds because they are thinking about us, planning to connect with us. We’re picking up on what people are thinking and feeling. But we’re also feeling what’s taking place with the energies, just like you who are reading this are feeling those energies and being impacted by them in many ways.

So we are separating from the old, being moved into the new, and creating the new as we go. We’re feeling our way, thinking about what makes us happy. And materializing things with our creative power. For example, I thought about two people I wanted to see, and a half hour later they texted me to see if I was free. Once we have this happen a few times we will see that we are creating it. As we see our power, we see our potential. We see the ability we have to dream. And we link this to our intuitive abilities.

We are all in different stages of this process as we move into our blooming power.

We’re doing this and much more. As this year of so much transformation comes to a close, we are experiencing our new Selves blooming. Right now, there are four plants on my table, one starting to bloom, one almost ready, another getting close, one still growing. We are all in different stages of this process of growing into our awesomeness as we release the heaviness and struggle of the past. We are moving into our blooming power. We are becoming unstoppable forces of the new. We are sharing our light. We are spreading the Love.

A spark of inspiration can lunch our own creativity.

I was guided to draw a card for us from my Talisman deck and the card was Inspiration. I’m often guided to think about how I can inspire others in these very challenging times. We all love to be inspired and sometimes we need the spark of inspiration to launch into our own creativity. Today a friend shared a photo on Instagram of her enchantingly beautiful gingerbread house in the woods. I immediately felt the enchantment of it and wanted to create something of my own. That’s what inspiration can do, it can move us to create.

My friend’s enchanting gingerbread house.

But I was also able to enjoy the magic she had created. It made me happy. She told me this house took 6 days because she had to measure and make a pattern of her own house in order to make it in gingerbread! And it’s the very first one she’s ever done. We’re now accessing new creative gifts, and we may find ourselves creating in ways we haven’t done before, even going beyond what we thought we could do.

So how can you inspire? How can you be inspired? How can you share your inspiration? We can each share our inspiration and let it ripple out into the world around us. We never know how it will impact someone else.

I’m wishing you all a New Year of inspiration and joy. May you be inspired to create your dreams and share them with all. And may we all share the Love that we are.

3 thoughts on “Our Blooming Power

  1. Thank you Terry for the wonderful message….I can relate! Blessings and hugs to you and to all of us who share this energy to take one more step forward in peace and healing for ourselves, our family and friends and the world!

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