From Couch Potato to Galactic Guide

We’re moving out of our couch potato phase.

I woke up with the words from this title in my head, and they made me laugh out loud. But I also realized the truth in them. After years of an inward journey, many of us are now being guided to go back out into the world. We’ve cleared our old patterns and spent lots of time alone because there weren’t many people in our lives who understood what we were going thru. Many people joked about being couch potatoes during this phase, because we didn’t have much energy either. We were processing and clearing and growing our light bodies, and bringing in the new consciousness.

During this time we lost interest in most of what we used to do in the old world, but lately as I go out and about to do errands, I’m noticing that the old world is gone. Oh, the buildings are there, the people are there, but it’s not the same old world. It’s a world in the process of being transformed. And that’s very exciting. Maybe you’re noticing that too. I read that the US has been at war for the last 70 years. That’s changing now too, and we are a big part of creating that change as we each embody peace.

Our inner transformation has made this possible. We’ve done the inner work and we’re now powerfully projecting a new world out around us. And we may have assumed this would look different. But what I’m noticing is, it feels different. Our new lives, right now, are all about how things feel. We’re making choices based on how things feel. If they don’t feel good, we can use the delete button. If they do feel good, we can include them. More and more, we are making these decisions quickly as we create our new worlds.

Someone just mentioned to me something she should do. I said, I don’t have should’s in my life, only what I’m choosing to do and what I’m choosing not to do. Once we shift into the new, everything is about choice. We’re no longer controlled by obligations. This person also told me she was going to start looking in the mirror and telling herself positive things. She wondered about what she could say so I made some suggestions. I love myself. I support myself. I feel grateful for what I have. I share my happiness. I am evolving into my New Self. #Progress. #EvolutionInAction.

We are beacons for the new. We are the galactic guides.

2019 is going to be a year of expansion and growth for many as they begin to experience the energy of the NEW that we are holding and projecting all around us. We are beacons for the new. We are the galactic guides. Our inner structure is different, as we are now aligned with our truth and authenticity.

And after spending a long time in our caves, we’re venturing out. I got an email from someone who moved into my neighborhood and we met for coffee. She said she too is being guided to be more out in the world. She’s been doing this work since the 1990s herself and has gone thru much upheaval and change in her own life. She’s writing poetry now about the process and I wanted to share one of her poems.

the dark and the light move together
brilliant contrast
moving upward from the earth’s center,
the earth’s heart
swirling around the body
within the body
within the mind
creating patterns of beauty
changing patterns of wonder
moving behind the heart, the wings extend
symbolic of truth of spirit
symbolic of freedom
the heart opens forward, extending to all creation
the symphony of polarity continues upward
creating a crown upon the head
symbolic of sovereignty
not a single crown
one of many crowns
designed to connect with all other crowns
infinite in their number
connecting with the Creator
step forth blessed Soul
step forth with Love’s delight
with Light’s endowments
with uniqueness and with Unity
—Gia Marie Tate

We can all share in whatever way we choose as we move into our new roles. It’s not about telling someone what’s happening so much as it is being your new Self. This is our power, to embody who we are now as an example to others so that they can see that they can also choose to be new.

As we move thru the world in our authentic power, we become a force to be reckoned with. We’re showing the way by being what’s possible. We’re displaying our own unabashed truth. We’re sharing our connection with our magnificence. Once we connect with our own cosmic essence, we can no longer be small. We can no longer pretend. We can no longer be contained. As we honor ourselves, we naturally become guides.

We’re creating our heaven on Earth.

And as this year begins, we are definitely experiencing our beauty, our power, and our ability to create. We’re also experiencing our sparkle, the way that our new essence is shining. So here’s to getting off the couch. Here’s to moving into our new roles. Here’s to releasing everything that didn’t work. And here’s to creating our heaven on Earth.

2 thoughts on “From Couch Potato to Galactic Guide

  1. The whole posting was so encouraging . It felt like a ‘call to arms’. Thank you for writing it. Thank you for sharing the poem! I was caught up in it feeling the dance of the universe with me dancing along with all!

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