With the intense energy hitting as January began came an upgrade. For any who are ready we can now access the diamond light body. This came thru for me as I went to bed one night, and I experienced it as “diamonds” of light coming into my body to create a new inner structure. I fell asleep and when I woke up in the morning, my room looked new. Now in an earlier piece I described how I had a similar experience last fall when I got in my car in the grocery store parking lot and it was new, and I said, wait, my car isn’t new, and presto I was in my familiar car again. SO THIS TIME I didn’t try to change my new room back. I’m keeping it new. We are learning thru our experiences of New Earth what is possible.
And we will definitely be upgrading everything around us, everything in our environment. Because everything around us is a reflection of us. We are creating what we want to have, by our thoughts, our actions, our dreams, our words, our beliefs. We are moving into the vast new potential that is here. This is beyond what we have known so far.
The words that popped in were Beyond the now. In 3D we spent most of our time in the past and the future, often thinking about what HAD happened and what was GOING TO happen. We thought about what we WISHED our experience was like. This caused a lot of worry, fear, and other dense emotions in us. As we began our journeys into the new, we heard a lot about spending time in the present moment, in the now. This develops our awareness, as we have to be aware of what we are thinking and doing to be in the now. And as we practice this, we start to become happier, because we’re letting go of always thinking about what has happened to us in the past, because many of these things didn’t make us happy, or if they did, we’re sad because we don’t have them in the now. But then we discover that we can create more happiness and joy and fun in our now by clearing out our old patterns. We’ve talked a lot about this, this is just a quick review. The message that I heard was Beyond the now. My first thought was, what is beyond the now? And the minute I asked that, I was shown. It’s the multi-dimensional world that we now live in. Being in the now is our doorway into going beyond what is right here into the all. As we move into this all, it continues to expand, reflecting back to us the expansiveness we are creating, showing us our creative potential and creative power.
Moving multi-dimensionally beyond the now we create the experiences that we want to have, the world we want to live in. This is where we move beyond limitation. The perception that we had of how things are gives way. We begin to encounter this every day, that the ideas we have about the world are not true, that the world is bigger and better and that as we embrace the possibility, the possibility embraces us back. We enter the magic, the surprise, the support, the beauty. It becomes our everyday experience.
This space is available to us as soon as we release the old patterns that we agreed to, the patterns of limitation, of judgment, of anger, of fear, of unworthiness. We round these up from wherever they are inside of us and clear them out. We choose Love. We choose to love our Selves. We release making anyone else responsible for what we are experiencing, because we are the creators.
This incoming diamond light has been rippling thru my experience ever since in an effortless way. I feel like all I’m doing is observing it and enjoying it. Here’s what you can notice from it. It creates beautiful shifts in the people around us as they soften and become more vulnerable and their hearts begin to open more. Their facades begin to go. We can see when they are still basing their choices on their old templates of unworthiness or lack or not loving themselves.

The linear confines of the old world no longer work for us. We are ready to fly, and to live in new ways.
This is powerful light. It’s changing us, and it’s changing everyone around us. And this is just one aspect of how things are changing, because the change is multi-dimensional now. As we go beyond the now into multi-dimensional expansion, we’re shifting all the time, never in just one space or dimension or time. The narrow confines of linear description don’t work for understanding this, so we let them go and enjoy the fluidity, the possibility, the cohesiveness, the Love.
There is a picture I have had for the community I live in, of a community center where people can gather when they want to be social. Today I had a call from someone who I’ve never mentioned this to telling me she’d just been to a gathering at the meeting house and learned that someone donated electronics and other supplies so the meeting house can also be an activities center. This is part of my vision coming into being, and this is an example of how we are creating.
We have to create in this new way, putting our dreams out as energy that seeds the new. Because there are many who will feel this energy and begin to make it real. They will be inspired to create in new ways themselves. I am seeing a lot of that happen this last week. Our New Earth is taking shape in every moment now in so many ways.