Once We’ve Connected with Love…

Something big I am noticing since the eclipse is greatly increased sensitivity to anything old. You are probably noticing that interacting with people or systems that have not yet evolved feels downright uncomfortable. It’s a heavy energy that feels like pressure on your physical being. This will lead to us keeping our interactions with it as short as possible, and spending as much time as we can in our own spaces, outside in nature or with compatible people. The higher we keep our vibrations, the more everyone and everything will be able to evolve.

This new Self who is now inside of us is requiring the truth. Nothing less will do. And this means it’s now time to make our New Earth our primary reality because it’s a space where we connect with truth. We are no longer wanting the “less than” of the old world, but observe how the world around you, your everyday experience, is evolving to match your own frequency, because this is what is happening now.

We are moving beyond what we have known into what we are remembering and creating.

We are moving beyond what we have known into what we are remembering and creating, into possibilities and potentials that allow for the worlds we want to create, beyond limitation in all its guises.

We move into a realm where manifestations are effortless and require almost nothing of us. These surprise us and make us happy. A few years ago I was shown this would happen, and to see it happening now is wonderful. Other people are moving into their supportive roles of helping with these co-creations, just as we are helping with theirs by wanting the best for them. Everything that has been put in place is beginning to happen because we are in the unfoldment. This is what we have worked so long and hard and diligently to create.

One of the most powerful things we can do now is live in the new way that we are being shown. By living this, we are an example of what is possible. We are the freshly minted model for this new spiritual being who has taken up residence in our physical body.

Blueberry-banana-dragonfruit smoothie from the Medical Medium.

We are eating lighter foods to support this, lots of organic fruit and vegetables. I’ve been reading the Medical Medium books and I resonate with what he’s saying. It feels important to have access to information like this. This feels like part of the New Earth. But always follow your own guidance. We are each making our own path.

Notice any ways you hold onto the old and ask to release those. Most of these have fear markers to let you know. Look to see if your thought or action is related to fear or Love. Notice how much the old world is promoting fear, lack and disempowerment. It feeds on the fear we have held and now is the time to no longer feed it.

Someone was just asking me about how we change once we connect with Love. Once we feel it, once we experience it, it is imprinted within us. It takes up residence and we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is who we are and what we want. There is just no question anymore within us. The knowing is complete. We are changed. This becomes who we are and what we are about. Like the fragrance of a magnificent celestial flower, it leaves a beautiful but indelible mark on our being, and it changes us. We remember who we are and why we are here. And we move into action to anchor this Love here for everyone. This Love is the reason for our existence.

Children teach us about unconditional love. So do our pets. Pets and children are powerful in this way. And once we experience unconditional love, we can open to Love, the cosmic version, the force that changes who we are and empowers us to live in a new way. Once we light up our Selves with Love, we can access our power. That is what we are experiencing now.

We are also experiencing wanting to find our tribe: the ones we resonate with. As we leave our old life behind, we step into our new life and into the resonant fields of connecting with these new energies that bring us to life, that inspire us. We connect with others we can talk to, who share our beliefs. We are feeling these energies moving us now in new directions. And we will be continuing to expand what we are creating as we move into and trust our power to create and the Love that is growing within us.

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