Anchoring in the New

I’ve been feeling for a while that we are ready for launch—a significant launch—moving us from one way of being to another. How it’s turning out is that this is an extended launch, which so far appears to have lasted about 3 months, as we are being moved—propelled—out of the old and into the new. And the parts of the old that were our “security” are being, how shall we say, restructured. We have wanted to maintain our basic comforts and securities, and we are seeing the inroads eroding those as we move into the new, not knowing entirely how the new will look. Trust, trust and more trust. What I’m hearing is relax… and hold onto your hat.

Crystalline blue New Earth skies today.

I can tell I have shifted quite a bit, even tho I’m not sure I can put it into words yet. Every day, it seems there’s more being left behind. In fact, I feel so different I’ve been surprised a couple times to see my reflection in the mirror and it’s still me. We need a picture of our true Self, our emerging new Self. Inside we feel quite different. It’s as if our inside Self has already moved to a new time zone. We are in the new. Now it’s time to learn about it and find out how it works. As I write this, I’m noticing beautiful clear blue crystalline skies outside, free of pollution.

The sun was pulsing one day and these are the orbs that showed up on my wall.

Several people noticed the sun pulsing at the end of February. I didn’t see the pulses, but here is the photo of the sun hitting my wall that day. I’ve never seen those rings before, and I definitely felt the intensity that day.

Many are struggling right now to find footing. It’s like having the rug pulled slowly out from under us, and we’re looking to see where we can put our new creations. We’re feeling our new spaces because of their proximity in the new frequencies. This is about doing what makes us happy, choosing what makes us happy, and letting go of what no longer works. Continue to bring your focus back to Love. You may find yourself thinking about something that makes you unhappy, something you don’t like. As soon as you’re aware, refocus. A lot of our habits are longstanding, and we drop back into them without thinking. As we grow in awareness we get better about not going into those spaces. And even tho the media remains focused on negativity, we are changing that for our Selves. The more we do that, the more we gain footing in the new.

We are now being encouraged to fly free of the old.

In my last post I shared about the angels who took me flying. It’s time to fly now and we are being encouraged in all ways to begin to fly. Flying means letting go of your last fear that you’re not OK or you can’t create the world you want to have. We just begin to fly into our new worlds as we learn how they work. One example: I mentioned we have a new organic grocery store in my area. They have wonderful produce, and I wanted them to have even more variety. Yesterday when I went, they had several more things that I wanted—papayas, sprouts, small sweet peppers and leeks. All of it was beautiful and fresh.

The way we eat is changing as we transition to lighter, more light-filled foods. I have been reading the Medical Medium books (there are 4) and I resonate with what the author, Anthony William, is saying. To me, he’s bringing in health information from the future, from the New Earth, and he mentions that some of what he’s saying won’t be known to medicine for 10 or 20 or more years. He corrects a lot of misinformation that we’ve been given—for example, saying we can eat fruit, as much as we want. In fact, eat mainly fruits and vegetables, as much raw as possible.

Celery juice in the morning.

He tells how to heal from the most common health problems we have, using nature’s gift of food. He also explains what’s at the root of many of our health issues that we have found that doctors haven’t been able to diagnose. As always, follow your own guidance, but after reading what he’s recommending and following it for the last couple months, I am noticing results. I’m sleeping well and have more energy that I’ve had in a long time. Others I know are having good results as well. He suggests beginning each day with fresh celery juice, which is full of cell salts needed by your liver. I could feel my own liver doing a happy dance when I started drinking celery juice. After my first glass of celery juice, I slept thru the whole night, after months of not sleeping well. His book Life-Changing Foods details what to eat and what not to eat, and he tells the gift of many foods and what they will help to heal. He offers many great recipes as well. His website offers some of this information as a sample, so feel free to check that out.

Part of why I resonated strongly with his information is that I had already received some of this myself intuitively, and I had already been guided to eat certain things. Now I know why I was gathering rose hips on my walks last fall and putting them in my freezer for tea. I could go on and on, but if you feel guided, check him out. Eating in the way he recommends helps us to move into the higher frequencies of light and supports our new bodies in adapting to that light. It helps us to clear the environmental toxins we’ve been exposed to.

In my meditation yesterday morning, I felt so much intense energy coming in, so much light that I almost levitated. And then I saw the shell that was around our hearts for eons crack open. The Love was flowing in and flowing out. So: Prepare to live in a new way. With this shell being cracked open, we are going to be experiencing Love as it pours into us and spills out. Be prepared to like someone you don’t like, to be friendly to someone you didn’t even want to run into. This Love is rewriting our experience. It’s rewriting everyone’s experience. Let’s see what happens to all the mud-slinging currently taking place that we see detailed in the news.

We’re beginning anew as we create our new worlds. We’re getting new information, we’re changing how we eat, we’re changing how we act, what we think, what we care about. All of this is creating our new words, which are taking shape around us now. But as much as we know, we don’t have all the answers. We’re like 5-year-olds taking the training wheels off our bikes, feeling the joy of the new experience, but not having a sense yet of the total grandeur that awaits. This is the beginning of our independence. This is the beginning of so much that we are just beginning to discover. We are going to find more freedom around every corner. We’re heading into our great big beautiful new life, with our hearts more open than they’re ever been.

One thought on “Anchoring in the New

  1. Thank you Terry, this is so exciting. Thoughts have been coming up that I don’t want anymore and this blog today has helped sooo much. Blessings to you
    Gayle gayle

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