The Momentum Is Increasing

The momentum is increasing now with our movement into the new, and the experiences we are having are reflecting back to us what is taking place.

It’s time to fly.

This morning during my meditation I was lifted by angels who said fly. Soon I was outside as they encouraged me to fly around my neighborhood. At first I could feel the density in my earth body pulling me down, but they were holding me up and I began flying. With their help I flew all around the neighborhood. After a few minutes, people began to notice and point and comment. The angels said, never mind them, it’s time to do what you’re here to do. So I kept flying, realizing the times I’ve let other people’s comments stop me.

In the new energy, it’s time to do what we’re here to do. We can no longer get entangled in the comments of others. It’s time to fly free.

In the last few days we are pulling free, and you may notice the entangling interactions with others, particularly those who have not learned how to be supportive. Many are still caught in their own agendas and they are playing these out. These are what may have entangled us in the past, and these are what we are flying free from now.

We are going to notice the absolute difference between the freedom we are creating and the limitations that many are still choosing to create in their realms, where they still live in competition and non-cooperation, where they are still being unsupportive, where they still believe in using others to take care of needs that they haven’t owned or addressed.

We’re making new boundaries, based on Loving our Selves.

We are experiencing a separation of the old from the new, which is pulling at both worlds now. This is causing, among other things, people in the old world mentality to show up with whatever requests they have to get their needs met. And we may find we’re making new boundaries, because we’ve been practicing loving our Selves. You may notice both the tension and the freedom being created by these new boundaries, which help us to create and solidify our new space. The tension comes when we challenge our old habits and patterns. The freedom comes when we move past them, when we fly into the new possibilities.

I’ve heard stories from a few people about this. One friend said she heard from a friend of hers out of the blue, who was coming into town and needed a place to stay that night. My friend was getting ready to leave town the next day. She was not only preparing for her trip but wanted a little quiet downtime that evening after a busy week. She said, after some deliberation, she didn’t offer her house. She felt the tension and the freedom, and she shared that she was happy she had chosen to take care of her Self. That was new, because in the past she would have said of course you can stay here, despite the interruption it would have caused for her.

This doesn’t mean we don’t care about our friends, it means we are choosing Love first. We are finally choosing to Love our Selves, and we’re bringing all that Love to our Selves and everyone. And this Love, which is based in truth, is not about sacrifice or suffering. This Love raises everyone up to new levels of sovereignty and alignment. This moves us into authenticity, the space of truly caring and acting from our divinely sourced power to create a whole new world based in Love, peace, joy, balance and harmony.

We’re growing into more self-care and self Love on a daily basis. By truly taking care of our Selves and supporting our Selves in this process, we are able to then do the many things we need to do to create our new worlds. This takes time and it takes focus. We choose to do this, and as we make these choices for the new, we release the choices that we made in the old, choices that often simply depleted us in some way.

We’re choosing to interact with those who are also choosing Love, because these interactions are empowering, inspirational and supportive on many levels. We are supporting each other as we grow and open our hearts and discover who we are and what makes us happy. We’re sharing our stories of growth, our challenges, our experiences, our peace, our happiness, and our laughter. We’re shedding our resistance and moving into the new with our whole hearts.

We’re looking to see this same light reflected back to us. The light that represents power and creation. The light that represents sovereignty. The light that represents embodiment. We’re teaming up with others who are embracing their own truth, who are moving past the ridiculous constraints of the old.

We move into Love deeply enough that it begins to carry us.

We have to move past the fear, the blame, the self-righteousness, the condescension, the excuses and all the other old world crap. We have to move into Love deeply enough that it begins to carry us. Love carries us past fear. It carries us past needing anyone else to do the work for us. It carries us into trust. It carries us into the new.

So you may notice some moments of challenge in your interactions with the old energy. You’ll have opportunities for new choices. You’ll have opportunities to observe the limitations that we’re moving beyond. All of this is part of the momentum we are experiencing now. The old is contracting into itself, and we continue to expand into more and more light. It’s time to fly. It’s time to do what we’re here to do.

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