The Bringers of the New Time and the Equinox

I woke up Sunday morning and immediately felt a connection with the sun as a being. I don’t remember ever feeling the sun in this way. And this being was present with me in my room. For those cultures that honored the sun, like the Inca, who called themselves the children of the sun, this must be why. They too felt this living, tangible, encompassing presence. The sun is not just a giant ball of light in the sky that warms our world and makes life possible. It’s an actual living being, one that is now interacting with us like it did with ancient cultures.

The Solar Presence showed me that we have now embodied the solar energy within our heart centers.

This Solar Presence showed me that we have now embodied the solar energy within our heart centers. I felt and saw a beautiful visual of this. I could see and also feel the sun within. And I could feel this energy now radiating from us. We have now embodied what the solar energy represents, the crystalline consciousness, the Christ consciousness of our new time. And we are glowing with this energy, bringing it to the world thru our hearts. We are the bringers of the new time. Celebrate this as we move thru the Equinox.

Sunday turned out to be a warm sunny day, our first as we head into spring. It reached 66 degrees in the afternoon, and so I sat outside for awhile. As soon as I sat in the sun, I felt codes within me, within all of us, being activated, one after the other. Pop pop pop. I swear my cat was feeling this too, as he was weaving back and forth around me. It was such an unusual feeling, this activation taking place in order to create this whole new space for us to inhabit, beyond the time and space of our familiar 3D world. And we all want to be in the space beyond the frustration and competition and limitation and misplaced values of the old world. I think many of us feel it has passed its “Use By” date some time ago.

Last week was intense, and we could feel the release of so much pain and suffering from the collective. You might have been tired or needed extra rest. You may have wanted to pull back from the world. You might have felt somewhat angry or disconnected, wondering when is thing going to change. All of this has been part of the releasing. Then, for the last couple of days, there has been joy coming in. It shows that we are finally leaving the old behind, with its heaviness and closed-heartedness.

The new solar codes are our new template for living in the new.

The new solar codes are our new template for living in the new as we finally expand past the limitation of the old world. Our frequency is high enough and our physical body is clear enough that we are able to hold the new light levels. We will see how this impacts everything. And like we’ve done with the rest of our evolution so far, we’ll learn what this means by seeing how everything works with these new codes in place.

The old timelines are coming to a close, and those who are still engaging with those timelines will find them ending. It’s no longer about what we can get for ourselves. It’s what we can create for everyone, based on peace, harmony, balance, and love. As sovereign beings who own our power we are taking responsibility for creating this.

Each person is being given a choice and can choose the new timelines. Each can release their belief in what is no longer working and begin to live in a new way. We can all begin to love and respect ourselves, which leads to us being kind and respectful to others. And then kindness and respect is returned to us.

We are actively ascending. Our physical bodies are evolving, our DNA is changing, our awareness is growing, we are claiming our power to be creators. Our consciousness is shifting. We are experiencing ourselves changing and we are seeing how that changes our world. Our intuitive abilities are growing. Our ability to move from judgment into genuine acceptance and love is blossoming.

Our new solar codes and the solar energy within us are our passports into the new. We are journeying from home now, from our familiar worlds, into a higher-frequency experience, and we’ll discover how that looks and how it works. It’s important to relax and trust the process.

Feel the beauty of what’s taking place.

Feel the beauty of what’s taking place. Feel the beauty of this expansive, high-frequency, solar-powered tsunami that is pulsing in our heart centers with the magic of a new time. Feel what this is doing to the world. And feel what it’s doing to you, as it lifts and carries you into the new, as it lifts and carries all of us into the dreams we came here to create. We’re powered up, baby, so don’t forget this time. Remind yourself as often as needed: This is what we came to do. This is what we came to do. This is what we came to do.

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