Activating Our Solar Power

In my teens I had repeated dreams of ascending a set of stairs into the sky, and when I walked up them, they ended. Now I understand what the dreams were about—this very process we are in now of ascension, going up the stairs into the new realm. I also had a strong feeling at that same time about the world turning over, and in my mind I practiced living in this new world that was free of the problems of the old one. I wanted to be there NOW.

We are activating our internal solar power. This refreshes and resets our physical vessel.

And NOW we are there, all these years later, ascending the stairs as the world turns over into a new world. In my meditation this morning, I was in that new world. The Sun Being visited again (my last post talks about this), this time to activate the solar disk, the ball of sun that is now inside us. This is our new power source. It not only powers our new Selves, it links us to the New Earth and to all the others who are on New Earth. Feel free to tune into this solar disk in a meditation and invite in your own activation. This refreshes and resets our physical vessel.

We are activated now and ready to live in a new way, creating the lives we have wanted to live. The ball is in our court. It’s time to create in a new way, using our inherent power that we have connected to in this very special time.

People are making major strides. Someone I know just shared with me her experience at a family birthday party with her aunt, uncles and cousins. The subject of denial came up, and someone said, “let’s each share an example from our life.” They went around the table and people shared silly things, until it was her husband’s turn. He said he was in denial for years about his anger, and he took it out on his wife and son, until he went thru two years of therapy and learned how to live differently. This is a man who has never shared about his life, and when he shared this, there was complete silence at the table. His wife, my friend, said everyone was surprised because she has always put on a happy face: everything is fine. She was very proud of him for sharing, as their life is different now.

We are clearing the lie of everything is fine and moving into the truth of who we are.

How many of us, women especially, have lived this li(f)e of everything is fine? One of our biggest challenges is to clear this pattern, and to clear the pattern of No matter what you do, it will not be enough (or it will not be good enough) so that we can begin to live as our true Self. We have to give ourselves a new message of loving and supporting our Self. It can be hard to change the old patterns that are in place where we are critical and angry at ourselves. But instead of always judging yourself, you can begin to support this new YOU with words of encouragement and love. Every morning when you get up and every evening when you go to bed, you can say, to you, privately, I love you, I love you, I love you. You are amazing. You are caring, you care about the Earth, you care about others. I am so happy about you. You are doing such a great job.

You can choose whatever words you want to choose that support you. Let it sink in and really feel it. At first it can be hard to believe these words, but eventually you will feel them and know they are true. You will become more and more like them. Your being will evolve into that love.

Once we believe this, we no longer let anyone else define who we are or tell us who we are or limit us, because we know inside who we are. And we become very clear to offer only love and support to our new Self. And then we notice others becoming more supportive of us, more respectful, because they are reflecting back to us who we are. And if you slip up, no biggie, just cancel out whatever you said that wasn’t supportive and keep movin’ on.

Even tho we are moving into a very new space, we are still feeling like we are “in between” and not able to do everything we want yet. That’s because we are still evolving and still embodying the energies, and still learning how things work. Part of leaving the old behind is that many of our old spiritual tools no longer work. The more we evolve the more we discover our expanded powers and the evolution of our tools as well. Everything is becoming more refined and immediate. We’re thinking a thought about something we want, we’re seeing it created, we’re thinking what someone is going to say and they say it, we’re thinking about someone and the person contacts us. In the unified field we are not separate.

The truth is coming to the surface all around us, exposing the beauty of the new.

The truth is coming to the surface all around us, exposing the beauty of the new. We’re experiencing the growing distance between the old and the new. This gap is sometimes harder to navigate now, only because we no longer want to navigate it. We no longer want to focus our attention there or to participate at that level. Participation means interacting with energies like guilt, fear and blame. Yet we are interacting, just from our new frequency. And we’re seeing that we can remain neutral and nonreactive.

This past week was challenging as we moved thru the Equinox and full moon energies. This week, as it begins, feels lighter again. Once again, a new more expanded space that offers more freedom and truth. You will see people evolving and being “stretched.”

Driving home from the store on Friday I saw a huge rainbow-colored dragon in my neighborhood, in the sky. And I read later that there are new rainbow plasma waves, some of the strongest energy we’ve yet experienced, coming in now as part of this evolution. You may be seeing what look like streamers of aqua or other pale colors in the clouds. This is a challenging experience, yet it’s also grand. It’s stretching us beyond where we’ve been, stretching us so that we can expand into all the new spaces that are appearing.

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