Being the Gateway

April continues to move us ahead big-time in terms of connection, insight and information as we ground more deeply into our crystalline-light bodies and become more used to being at home in them.

New codes carry us into our new world.

We’re longing to be in the new, and we’re grateful for the times when we are, as we continue to shift back and forth still. I’ve been seeing the number 222 frequently on my clock, and when I went to the store yesterday and bought groceries, including 2 avocados, they rang up as 22 avocados. I’m used to cash registers occasionally acting up when I’m around, so it was no big deal, and the very nice cashier happily corrected the amount. This is just confirmation of the light codes we’re receiving, codes that bring to a close the old world and carry us further into our new one. I’m sure you are seeing your own number sequences.

We’re moving into such a beautiful arena, and it changes everything around us. Everything becomes happier, lighter, more at peace. The more that we move into the new space and stay there, not coming back just because someone else might want us to, the more we establish this realm for ourselves. The more we don’t “go back,” the more others have to move toward us. We do this with neutrality and love, from the peace within ourselves, from our connection to the new. We do this because we are now inhabiting this space. This is the calling card we offer to those who want to connect. It’s the map we give them so that they can experience the new. This is part of our service to the all.

Right at the moment I wrote that my doorbell rang. Two young missionary women wanted to share. When I said no thank you, they asked why I didn’t want to hear what they had to say. I said, because I am creating something very specific, outside of the church, and I’m working on it right now. They wanted to know more, and I briefly explained that I and many others are embodying our divinity so that we can create a new earth because the consciousness of humanity is shifting. They came to life and asked questions, and then wondered how they could find out more on the Internet, so I gave a couple suggestions. But I completely saw that what I had just written, before they arrived, that we don’t “go back,” means just that. When we’re in our new space, we can be the gateway. We can no longer be the rescuer, the hand-holder or the pleaser. We can’t do any of the old things we used to do. And we are often prompted to hand out our maps at these times, even if it’s more comfortable to pretend we don’t have a map.

We are the gateway to the new.

This process is immediate. The moment we move into something new, such as holding our space so that we can be in it and enjoy it, we can encounter a “test” to make sure we are willing to do that. And by holding our space we create a pathway for others as well, when they are ready, with no pressure whatsoever. These two women came to proselytize as part of the old patriarchal system and I simply stayed in the space I have created, and it was a beautiful example of what is taking place right now. We are the gateway into the new.

Our shifts in just April alone are enormous, allowing us to move into these very new spaces and to make them available.

As we evolve, we can no longer do heaviness or pain. Once we evolve past this sort of density, it will feel physically uncomfortable for us. We are going to need to surround ourselves with more and more light. Each of us has to find that light, by finding what makes us happy, what elevates us.

You will know what feels too heavy to you. This will be a natural evolution for all.

We have reached the point now where what we are doing is bigger than what is being undone. There is unfolding taking place and the momentum created from many heart openings is supporting this. We are seeing more people move beyond the constraints that controlled them and kept them unhappy.

We are bringing the higher frequencies to the earth and establishing them here.

We are feeling the immediacy of our own experience. We are feeling the vulnerability. We are feeling the joy and the sense of fun and we are sharing all this with those we meet. We are bringing the higher frequencies to the earth and establishing them here.

This morning on my bike ride I had an experience of creation and intuition working miraculously in tandem. I was coming down a moderate hill where I love to coast as fast as my bike will go because there’s no stop sign at the bottom. There were no cars, no deer, and no walkers. Midway I thought, I don’t get to use my new bell very often, so I decided to ring it for fun. The moment I did, I saw a man step onto the road from the beach path, and because of my bell, he saw me and waited. I also moved to the other side of the road to go past him. The timing was divinely orchestrated. This is how our new world works, we’re hearing exactly what’s needed when it’s needed and it’s all part of us doing what we love and enjoying ourselves. We become intimately connected to everything, and we are experiencing the unified field.

So the story is being told now, we’re all telling the story, and those who are ready to hear are listening. And the telling is creating knowing, the knowing that is growing inside of us and leading us into our new ways of being. We are beginning anew, each of us, as we leave the past behind and step into what our hearts are wanting to experience.

Haha, I just checked the word count: 1022. The codes are still coming.

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