Expanding Our Hearts

I want to share a message that came thru this weekend: We are in the time now called the unfoldment. You have done the preparation, overcoming your fear to move past the challenges and roadblocks to create something vastly different, something beyond even your dreams, something so new and incredible not just for you but for everyone willing to open their heart and to cast off the old, false teachings of the time that is past.

We are creating something new and incredible.

What comes to you now is nothing short of miraculous.

This is because you have been willing to move into your sovereignty, because you have been willing to move into your power, because you have been willing to move past fear. This is what you planned, and you are now living the plan. You are now ending the system of control that has kept you small for ages.

You are now experiencing moving past the system of control. You are feeling this in your body, your bones, your very cells, you are feeling a call, a movement, a push toward the light, toward the love you have held inside that is now beaming out. You are feeling something new, something exciting. And you are feeling the old world dropping away, being sealed off. This is why it is important now for each who wishes to experience the new to make this clear in their own heart, to make this part of their plan. And to surrender to this experience. This experience is seeded in each of you, your own Self knows the way when you stop overthinking, overanalyzing, overdoing, and just relax. You are the way.


About a month and a half ago I had a prophetic dream. I knew in the dream that it was about truth, altho the dream was in symbolic form. I was shown the ET nature that is at our core. And now, slowly, the prophetic nature of this dream is showing up in real time, almost like a disclosure. The very images from my dream are being presented. This is hard to describe, but what is important is we are each being given our own signals and symbols like a roadmap, and we can read these and see for ourselves what is taking place.

This is about the great awakening that is taking place. We are seeing how everything is awakening. But the awakening itself isn’t our focus now, as we are well beyond it. Those of us who awakened already have moved into a new way of being, and so we know that the work we did is creating the awakening of all those we wondered about, all those we waited for, all those we cared so much about that we did not want to go on without them. Now that they are awakening we can go on, and they will follow soon. This is what the dream was about.

So the people we cared about are coming with us, and we can now cross the bridge. We can now cross into our new worlds.

Spring is here: Sitting outside at coffee.

This past week, everything has shifted again, so that we feel the closing off of the old, and we see the expansion of the new. The place I go for coffee once a week has become a hub of sorts for my New Earth and when I went this week as soon as I walked in, a woman said “there’s good news, we can’t wait to tell you. The bees that were on Notre Dame all survived.” When I got home I looked this up on the Internet and found that indeed, 200,000 bees had “miraculously” survived the fire. And there was a picture of a big group of them on the neck of a gargoyle statue. Of course! So this is a continuation of the ant story that seems to just keep growing and has its own life now.

We are at a pivotal place, where we have to not let our Selves be distracted. What we are doing is very real and serious, and we know that within. Now it is time to know that in our outer beings too, and to begin to live that knowing. Our inner and our outer beings are becoming unified so that what we show the world is who we are.

I was invited to a dinner and was told it would be fun. Lots of “light conversation.” And as soon as I heard that, I knew that unless it was Light conversation, I wouldn’t be going. We just don’t have time anymore for light (small l) because we are focused on Light. And this is not about ego. It’s all about love.

The joys of spring flowers.

The amount of light coming now is filling us with joy, happiness and well-being. We’re beginning to be energized. I just saw something I’ve never seen before: a hummingbird took a bath in my birdbath. It landed on the edge, checked the water, then lifted up about a foot and came down like a helicopter and landed in the water about waist deep. It didn’t flap its wings like most birds but stood still. Then it lifted off. It repeated this two more times before flying away, bath over.

We’re going to be seeing lots of unusual things now as we continue to expand into the new, things not just in 3D but in the higher dimensions too.

Our hearts are continuing to open, and it happens slowly enough that we can adapt. It is so powerful to feel all the love we never shared, all the love we never received. You will know when you have these moments.

I hope you are feeling this joy that is coming in now on the heels of so much hard work.

2 thoughts on “Expanding Our Hearts

  1. Wow! This is such good news. I feel it too. Thank you for the authenticity of your sharing that goes right to the heart ,

    • This is new. Not only can it be shared in this way, but you can feel it in this way too. We are really moving into opening.

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