Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Because of the internal clearing we have done to set the stage and create the foundation for our new world, significant evolutionary changes are taking place around us now and we are seeing that it is up to us to begin to choose what we want to experience. This means choosing happiness without guilt, and releasing the limitations that we accepted for so long. It’s time. We no longer have to play small. Don’t worry, be happy.

We are currently experiencing rapid expansion.

We are currently experiencing rapid expansion. That means you may notice your extrasensory abilities expanding. I’ve had several experiences with this in the past week, some very surprising. The way we are communicated to is changing as well as the clarity and speed. And our knowing about this is linked in, so that we feel the truth of what we are hearing and seeing and sensing. In the last week I had two people I know socially present me with lies and I chose to simply notice the info, as I could see their patterns of feeling like they have to cover their tracks. Because we have come into neutrality, this doesn’t throw us off balance. Now we see why we had to do so much clearing, because we are going to be seeing and hearing all kinds of truth and non-truth coming out, and we will be able to recognize this because of how it feels in our heart and body. And we’re going to be able to see it. And simply know. And make our choices based on all that feeling and knowing and seeing.

In another experience of how our telepathic communication has changed, someone I know was updating me about someone else and that third person, who was not present, began immediately communicating with me psychically on a soul level, telling me what he wished to have happen. Again, unexpected. Once the filters are removed, all kinds of things are possible.

And this is just the beginning of what we are going to experience as these expansions continue.

In 3D we have gut-level feelings, because we are based in our 3 lower chakras. As we evolve and raise our frequency, our intuitive abilities expand too until we are experiencing telepathy and getting messages from Spirit. As we move into light and transparency and become sovereign beings anchored in the new, we’re communicating as souls and using all of the information available to create what is needed. We’re living our power, the power that imbues us as creator beings.

Our own inner stargates are opening.

Recent shifts have activated our own inner stargates, opening them so that we release gravity and move beyond the constraints of the old world. We are now embodying solar light and consciousness, shining like suns with our new Selves, feeling the new wholeness and the release from limitation. We’re walking in our New Earth shoes, wearing our New Earth clothes, living in our New Earth spaces, and feeling unhindered and enlivened.

So much is happening right now there is not time to write it all down, so feel into what you find here, because it is all available to you.

Major shifts are taking place now, and while some are tying them to linear events, it’s not necessary to do that. All you have to do is make yourself available to transformation. Move into what is possible by not resisting and by not hanging onto the familiarity of old patterns. We are transforming daily, moving into the everyday magic brought to us by this evolutionary shift. Release the mental constructs of what you think you have to do. This is how we used to operate: I have to do A, B and C to create D. We think we have to do it all. We don’t.

We have to TRUST that all we have to do is create what makes us happy.

We have to TRUST that all we have to do is create what makes us happy. Then we can do whatever is on our personal to-do list. But as you’re doing those things, allow the magic to enter. Relax the mental program enough for that to take place. Continue to return to thinking about what makes you happy. Do the things that make you happy, and the rest flows and flowers from there. Make space for the new. Make space for the magic. Make space for the happiness and joy. Make space for the fun and laughter. Give up your need to have it be your way. Give up thinking you have to save the world. All we have to do is uplift and enliven our own Self. As we do that, we quite naturally uplift and enliven all those around us, and this ripples out into the whole world. And as our small ponds get bigger, this has an impact. And that is the impact that is happening now. We’re seeing it happen.

We’re working together, even tho we don’t all see everything the same way. We’re all working to create peace and balance and harmony. We’re all opening our hearts to create a safe world for every being, human, animal, bug, bird, fish, bee, tree and flower. We are the new way. It is being birthed from us. And we are experiencing that now in so many incredible ways.

For all those who were hit with fatigue for years and years as we worked to create this shift and to bring a new world into being, our revitalization is in progress and our energy is returning. And we are seeing more people open to the possibility of what is taking place.

For quite awhile, the New Earth felt sparsely populated, some even felt loneliness because of this, but in the last week especially, it’s like the floodgates opened and many are arriving. They are arriving into the possibility, and each will begin the process of looking at who they are and who they want to be and making choices for themselves. Such an amazing and exciting time we are in as we each find our way into our own happiness and begin to live anew.

4 thoughts on “Don’t Worry, Be Happy

  1. I always feel so light and nourished from reading your posts. Thank you for your ability to put words to what is occurring as the new takes hold in our world.

  2. thank you Terry. do you do readings or insights into what’s going on with a person? maybe I’ll call.

    • Hi Gayle,
      Yes, I do sessions with people and these definitely offer insights and we also clear anything that wants to be cleared. If it’s something you’re interested in, email me and we can set it up. Thanks!

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