Integration —> Reinvention

What does it mean when we no longer agree to the limitations of the past?

Last week I mentioned we were beginning to experience freedom, so we’ll be finding out what freedom means. What does it mean when we no longer agree to the limitations of the past? When we no longer limit our Selves? Because our new Selves are not having any of that. These new Selves have no interest in any of the old programming or tactics or excuses or ridiculousness. We’re integrating all this new energy that’s coming in, and it leads straight to the reinvention of who we are. We’re looking at all the ways we’ve defined ourselves, and opening to who we are in our truth. Plain and simple, who do we want to be?

And for most of us, it starts with who we don’t want to be. We begin to identify what we are no longer willing to be or do and move on from there, eventually realizing what we do want.

We’re feeling the intensity of this current influx of energy for sure. Some are feeling wooziness, dizziness, lightheadedness, aches and pains in various places, heart palpitations, and heat surges. It reminds me of the intensity that some experienced in 2009, when two women I knew went to the ER because of heart concerns, and doctors could find nothing wrong. Some are having that experience now, again with doctors finding nothing. Our hearts are opening to be in alignment with the new energy.

Many are also feeling their nervous systems amped up. Some are having overreactions to foods such as coffee and chocolate and sugar, or even foods you’ve eaten and never had an issue with. But suddenly your nervous system reacts because we are adjusting to the heightened frequencies.

But we’re also having moments of reinvigoration, where we are beginning to feel our strength and vitality returning, in a new way.

This month, it’s become harder than ever to interact with old world friends in a conversational way. We are speaking different languages. As we evolve and our perspective shifts, we see the world in a new way. We see beyond the games and ruses designed to keep us from connecting in meaningful ways, from expressing our truth, from using our power, from believing in ourselves, from having a voice. We see all this and we no longer agree to it. We become powerful, we become outspoken, we no longer hide our truth. We become certified boat rockers. And if the emperor has no clothes, we say something.

We’re not controlling anyone else and we’re not dropping back into powerless tactics like the passive-aggressive techniques some use to get their way because they don’t know how to say what they need. Yet we see all this happening all around us, everywhere we go.

We’re hanging out in our new spaces, enjoying the quiet and the peace that we’ve created. Sometimes we’re choosing not to go out, because going out means encountering lower-frequency energies and having to contend with that. Yet we all have to shop and take care of essentials, so we do have to go out to do those things. But we find that we limit the interactions. Or we postpone getting a haircut or making a purchase. It’s not old world procrastination. It’s all this new energy and we don’t want to drop into the old because of how it makes us feel. We’re all waiting for when there’s enough evolution that we move beyond this.

I recently got a message about this. That coming up very soon is visual, tactile evidence about the realness of the new world we are in. It’s like we’ve been in the new world, but we haven’t had the Grand Opening yet. We’re going to have the Grand Opening. It will have expansion beyond what we’ve known and opportunities beyond the limitations we’ve experienced. All who are ready will have this experience. And the readiness is all about getting our physical bodies ready to hold this much light, the light of the new consciousness.

The more we move into the new, the simpler and easier everything becomes.

The more we move into the new, the simpler and easier everything becomes. We move beyond struggle, we move into creating win-win scenarios. We shift our thoughts and intentions to make the new possible. We invite it in because we’re no longer pushing it away.

I was talking with someone who has mastered the art of appearing reasonable, all the while roadblocking like crazy with a toolbox of tactics. He is facing major changes in his life and he’s not sure what to do. I said, I want you to try something. Change your intention. Instead of saying how hard and awful it’s going to be, say, I am ready to make this easy for myself and not go thru a lot of trauma. I am ready to move into my happiness.

At that moment he tasted freedom, ever so briefly. But he felt it and he said it felt exciting. Once we taste freedom, we know that is the direction we want to go.

Our freedom is here. We can move into it. Notice for yourself any ways that you’re blocking it. Open to doing things in new ways by simply saying that you’re open. I’m open to my freedom. I’m open to doing things in new ways.

We are all here taking part in something that is truly amazing. We’re path paving and trail blazing out of the old into the new., and this month we can really feel the changes that are taking place because of this.

2 thoughts on “Integration —> Reinvention

  1. I really appreciate “changing my intention” rather than continue to tell myself the same old story of a situation I was to change. I needed to hear those words. Thank you.

  2. I find myself beginning to claim my freedom, to claim what I want, because it’s already here. It’s not separate from who I am right now. Thank you!!

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