Surging Ahead

Once again we’ve surged forward, and you may be feeling this now. Usually we have a day or a few days where we are uncomfortable with odd aches and pains and we’re tired, and then we surge into yet another new space. Then we feel good again. That is happening every few days now. We continue to move ahead quickly into all the new potential we’ve created thru all the work we’ve done.

The sylph clouds are beautiful.

Intuitive abilities are coming in strong, much more amped up than they’ve ever been, meaning we’re feeling and hearing and sensing all kinds of new stuff and connecting on new levels. For instance, a friend of mine had come into town to visit without telling me, and I strongly felt her energy when she arrived. This month, the skies are clear again and the sylph clouds are beautiful.

The worlds continue to separate, with the old world feeling increasingly foreign. It doesn’t feel like home. For some, their homes no longer feel like home, and some are moving to new locations or preparing to move. And most of us are getting the promptings we need to release overly old stuff that was such a part of who we were for so long.

We’re being guided to make boundaries where needed, letting those who don’t have good boundaries know that they have to keep their stuff in their own space. No dumping it in our space allowed. I had an experience of that this past week, when a new neighbor cut a tree in front of his house and dragged it over and piled it in my yard. When I asked him about moving it, he challenged me. “Where’s the property line?” I showed him, staying calm and neutral, and then went off to visualize him loading the branches into his trailer. Two days later, that’s what he did. A friend has been diligently clearing out her basement and her garage. She came home one day to discover two more boxes in her garage that a friend of hers had dropped off for storage. Arrrghhhh! We can really feel this now, the ways that we have accommodated others, thru our goodwill and our lazy or nonexistent boundaries, and now we feel done with that. All we have to do is make our boundaries and let the rest take care of itself. And we will be prompted to do that until we have mastered the fine art of not letting others take advantage of our kindness and goodwill.

From our new neutrality, we are powerful. And this is the space we are working from now. We’re not making others wrong, we’re simply letting them know whatever is required so that we can be in our peaceful, happy spaces. And these boundaries, once they are in place, work, because we put them there and we know we mean it now. They may not have been there in the past, but the past is over and we are creating from an expansive new present moment space.

We’re creating a new world from deep within the cells and wisdom of our own body.

This is part of our service too, being true to who we are so that we are an example of this. It’s a big issue for many, all of us who’ve been in caretaker roles, and ending our patterns of saving the world is huge. We’re not saving the world anymore, we’re creating a new world, from deep within the cells and wisdom of our own body, from the knowing we are calling forth from within our own beings. And each person who chooses to move into the new will be stepping up to do this in their own readiness.

There’s lots going on, lots of new communication coming thru. The Lion’s Gate opens this week (and we’re already feeling that energy coming in, some of us with visions of lions or the energy of lions presenting in some way). It feels as if we are being readied even more, with fine tuning taking place to ensure our preparedness for this passage, which carries us more completely into newness, into where we are going.

Observe what’s taking place around you and realize you are the creator. You are being called to your power, called to your truth, called to your unique ability to create this whole new way of being. And all together, we are making it happen.

2 thoughts on “Surging Ahead

  1. I have also been feeling the odd aches and pains and then a surge of energy. And the setting clearer boundaries or testing where my boundaries presently are so I can be more aware of what feels “right” for me now. Thank you for this sharing.

    • Melinda, thanks for your comment! I always appreciate hearing the experiences of others. And those energy surges are nice when they happen, like last night. Today, not so much, so my list of to-do’s is idling.

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