Using Our Expanded Ascension Power Tools

For the last few years, we’ve been working on creating our New Earth to make it real, ever since we first glimpsed it in a higher vibrational frequency. I remember the first time I saw it, when it was “floating” perhaps a foot or two above the earth I was walking on, the earth we’ve all known. When I saw it, I thought, “there it is! How do we get there?” Because even tho it was so close, it was still seemingly out of reach.

Many have worked to create the New Earth.

Over the last few years, many of us have worked independently to establish the foundation, to begin to create access to the New Earth by establishing the living energy on which it is built. This living energy structure has emerged from all of us who could see this incredible New Earth taking shape in the frequencies beyond old earth. Just as we now are higher-frequency versions of our old selves, New Earth is a higher-frequency version of the old earth. And now that the foundation is in place, and our frequency is a match for that, we’re being given expanded tools to create our new worlds on this New Earth.

We’re downloading these tools in order to use our new creative powers. As we become at peace with ourselves and the world around us, letting go of the struggles that kept us separate, our perspective shifts. It’s no longer us against them, it’s all of us together. We see with new eyes, with our new open heart. We feel with our new emotional body that’s been cleared of heavy residue that limited what we could do.

Our first tool is our divine power. Each person must now override any ways they undermine this divine power. All of the new energy coming to us from the sun, from the cosmos, has activated our DNA and the codes we hold within. All the clearing we have done has made room for our divinity to enter and we become our new empowered Selves.

In the beginning we learned that God or Source energy was outside us. As we ascend, we see and know that God or Source is within. We each become our God/Solar self, able to hold in a physical body the light/love that is our original format. Crystalline consciousness replaces carbon consciousness. We live from our expanded perspective, seeing, feeling and sensing in new ways and creating as we go.

These are our power tools also, our abilities to see and sense and feel and discern in new ways. Once we align with truth, we can see and know truth when it is presented. And the opposite too, we see non-truth more easily. We see what’s out of alignment in those still in their 3D templates. We access the unified field, the cosmic information superhighway.

We’re seeing new colors. We’re seeing that our world is not fixed or solid. Several people have noticed recently their surroundings—a wall or a piece of furniture—move seemingly toward them like a wave, and then away again. And then everything is “solid” again.

You may notice increased communication with your pets or the animals around you.

You may notice increased communication with your pets or the animals around you. You can think about your cat and suddenly there he is, as if he had just texted you that he was approaching. You can wonder where the deer and her fawn are and look out in the yard, and there they are, walking by.

Each of us is on our own journey, each growing in awareness as we are ready, each embodying as ready. The more quickly we connect with our own personal truth, the more quickly our process goes. Moving into sovereignty to Self and acting on that, living that sovereignty, opens the heart and creates the connection to the rarified realms that allow us to create from our creator aspect.

And then we see that we are creating more and more of what is around us. Our creative ability is also one of our power tools. The more we practice it, the more we have access to it. I like to practice with everything. For example, recently as I drove on the road leading to the highway, I saw six cars waiting to turn left onto the highway. I said, “all seven of us will be able to pull out at once.” As I reached the line of cars, the highway traffic evaporated and all seven cars pulled out. When we use our tools, we experience all kinds of magic.

With our creative ability, the more we believe this is possible, and the more we know it is possible, and the more we practice it, the more we will see that we are creating. We have the ability to do far more than we think we can do. But again, as we move into this we will be guided and shown.

Of course we all know people who don’t believe this is possible. And this is another tool, our growing belief, fortified by our experience when we see it happen again and again. Believing, trusting and knowing are part of the equation.

These amplified waves continue to move us into more knowing. We continue to notice that our awareness has expanded once again. So make time for this, experiment with your tools, ask to be guided. Envision your own New Earth, the place where you can experience peace and connect with your dreams and create a world that supports everyone so that we can all flourish. It’s up to all of us, we’re all doing this together.

We are so close to something so enormous, so breathtakingly different.

I’ll share a message that came thru from the Cosmic Christ: I am here to let you know of news. There is much progress and only a little more to do. Please don’t lose faith. Please continue. We are so close to something so enormous, so breathtakingly different. Set aside your worries and fears. These are remnants of the old time. They are not of the new. Continue dreaming as your dreams are building a beautiful new experience for all who are embracing Love, for all who are unafraid to open their hearts. Know that I love you and always have, even when you felt unloved. You are learning to be this constant force of Love yourself, and you are doing so well. Only a little farther to go now, and we are with you always, dear friends. We are with you and you are loved. You are Love.

2 thoughts on “Using Our Expanded Ascension Power Tools

  1. Thank you for thisi beautiful message of love. I want to share a recognition that came to me so powerfully yesterday. I was driving home from the grocery store the way I usually go along a street with trees on both sides and when I looked over at the trees I recognized God shinning as the trees. I was filled with so much love I began to cry. When you shared about having glimpses of this new earth, maybe that’s what I was seeing!!

    • Melinda, that’s so beautiful! Thank you for sharing that. We begin to see and experience our own light, our own radiance, as we venture out. And yes, definitely you’re seeing the new. It shows up in a multitude of ways. Sometimes, like you describe, there’s light seemingly coming from something in nature, or the colors are more vibrant, or you see something that moves you deeply. It also shows up in the actions of people, in their generosity, kindness, love or respect. How it makes us feel is indicative of what we’re seeing. We feel love, we feel inspired, we feel lifted up. Or even at peace. Thanks again. I can picture that experience by reading what you wrote.

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