Balancing Act

I just came back from a bike ride. It’s a sunny day about 68° with a light breeze. It’s the weather I have asked for on New Earth and we’ve had about two months of this. It’s unusual for this area, which is often cooler. I opened my computer and checked the time. Right now it is 1:11 on 8/11. Seems like a great time to start this.

I always ask what the post is going to be about as I start working on it, and information comes thru. Often what comes thru is not what I was expecting. Today when I asked, I heard “balancing act.” As we move into our new worlds and expand them as much as we can, we are still interacting with the old world around us, and one of the challenges is how we balance the differences in energy, frequency and perspective that we are finding. Or how we navigate those differences.

Heading out for a ride after getting new tires.

As we go out and about, we have to look at what the experience is. Many of our experiences are still necessary, like shopping for food or filling our cars with gas. But some experiences aren’t necessary, such as when we are invited out. We all enjoy social interactions, but with any invitation I receive, I will feel the energy of what the experience will be. Then I make my decision. I choose not to go to many things for a variety of reasons but recently I went to hear a friend play jazz outside at a small venue in our small town. When I got there I realized the energy of the people who were there was not something I could be around, so I sat on a bench across the street to listen and it was perfect. I enjoyed it. This is all about self-care. With the intensity of the energies we are experiencing now, we have to make sure we are taking care of ourselves and listening to our needs. If we aren’t doing that we can experience situations that are uncomfortable and not supportive. But if we are flexible and staying in the moment, we can find solutions that work.

I had a tiny experience this week that I will share because it is so indicative of the old world we were all apart of. I was invited to a cocktail party—just a few people from my neighborhood and they were going to be talking about some neighborhood concerns we’re facing. I went so I could hear what was said. The person hosting it called me about an hour before it started and asked if I could bring 10 toothpicks. I said, “I can bring as many as you need.” “Just 10,” she replied. When I arrived at her house, she had several plates of appetizers ready, and she put the toothpicks in the meatballs she had made. But she actually needed about 15 toothpicks. She said, I asked you to bring a handful. I said, “You asked for 10. You were very specific.” She shook her head firmly in disagreement. Then as people arrived and she put the appetizers on the table outside in her courtyard, she told everyone she had asked me to bring 15 toothpicks, and I brought 10. “So we don’t have enough and we will just have to make do,” she said.

It was so funny and so odd. I could have brought her the whole box. It absolutely didn’t matter to me. But in my new world, we are learning to ask for what we need. And when we do, we receive what we need and more. It’s so easy and so effortless. And yet that’s hard for many people. Many of us never learned to do this in the old world. And this woman who was hosting the gathering, not having done any of the clearing work we’ve been doing, is not good at asking for what she needs. But because I am operating at this new frequency, like you are, I didn’t second guess her request because she was so specific.

So she was willing to throw me under the bus (so to speak—I wasn’t actually available to be thrown anymore) because of a few toothpicks in order to not feel her own pain body. That was how 3D worked. That’s why we all had to be in defensive mode all the time, to protect ourselves from incoming heat-seeking missiles. Nobody wanted to be blamed. Nobody wanted to be the person who didn’t do their part.

The good news is, once we’ve cleared our old programming (or most of it) we are no longer a target. The missiles never make it into our space. We see them, we notice them, but they do no damage. They simply burn up in our high-frequency atmosphere. This is because of all the work we’ve done.

Our new systems require the highest energetic support possible.

I’ve known this woman for many years, but she and I are on very different wavelengths now. Her pain body, all the emotional pain she’s accumulated in her life and never dealt with, is running her show. Thus she can’t admit her own part. She has to place blame on someone else. And then have a few drinks to not feel all that pain. I’m considered somewhat the oddity because I drink bubbly water at these gatherings (the very few I go to). But once we reach a certain frequency, alcohol is no longer a match. Our new systems require the highest energetic support possible, which right now means lots of organic fruits and vegetables and a little protein.

So how are you doing with all this? What are you experiencing?

What we start to notice is, the balancing is normal. It becomes part of our protocol. When we are in lower-vibe situations, we simply observe and take part in whatever way we wish. We are coming to the place where we often don’t say much now, as words aren’t often needed. We’re doing so much with energy, intending and creating as we go. Much of our old world has fallen away, as has much of the socializing we used to do. We’re now wanting a new kind of interaction, and sometimes we’re experiencing this. We will find more of it soon.

We’re no longer empowering the old world to take away our peace and harmony. Once we are in that new state, we find a serene place with much beauty. We are actively creating the world we want to be in, and we’re inviting others to join us, as soon as they are ready to give up their old programming. Our New Earth is open. Anyone who is ready to live in peace as a sovereign being will find it.

The drum circle in the park by the ocean.

I went to another drum circle this week and here’s another photo to give a bit more perspective of the setting. It’s a beautiful spot, and there were almost 30 people taking part (some were dynamic drummers!), and several more listening. Some who were observers last time joined in this time. And as I walked back to my car just after sunset, a tall, lovely man in his 30s came up to me and said, “That was really nice.” I could feel that he meant it. There is lots of good happening now as we all move into the new to see what’s possible, and we are forging new connections. Each one of us is creating something new as we open our hearts and expand into the unified field.

2 thoughts on “Balancing Act

  1. This is so helpful, Terry 🙂 . I’ve been feeling a bit crazy with energy sensitivity to social and public situations. It hasn’t been just a conscious hesitation as I sometimes feel, but an all out physical reaction of not wanting to socially participate or be in a particular environment. I don’t want this new energy to feel the drain of negativity from others. I can feel myself wanting to fly headlong into this beautiful, new space, and feel frustrated when I encounter challenges and compromises of time. I know the frustration isn’t helpful or necessary, working on that…
    I’ve also found that in addition to gratitude and trying to be aware of not taking anything for granted, that compassion is always present there too. When I’m able to generate large amounts of energy, like when I’m running or hiking, I always try to warm up massive amounts of heart energy and release it in green waves or ripples of compassion and love. I imagine it flowing over the planet, especially to all of the animals and plants, who I believe already know.

    • Laura, you described this so well. We are having these very real physical reactions now to certain situations. Sometimes we can feel almost sick. But we’re all still in this experience just like you say, wanting to hang out in the new but not always having that be possible. I love what you’re doing with the heart energy. And the more we also hold that heart energy within, the more it impacts everyone around us. So great work. ❤❤❤

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