Things are changing so quickly now as we close out this year and move into the new. One thing I am noticing is I’m no longer using my intention very often to create, because I’m realizing and feeling that it’s already all in existence inside of us, and it’s emerging as we need it based on what we need. I had several examples last Wednesday as I was out doing errands. Whatever I needed showed up as I needed it, and I was often shown what would happen just before it happened.
One example: I went to return a few bottles and cans to the bottle return area at the store and there was a line of people with multiple big bags of cans. At that moment the attendant, who’s almost never there, showed up, glanced my way, and said, “come with me.” I had just had a little video of this play in my head, so I knew what was happening. We went into his work area and he hand-wrote a slip for my bottles and cans. I thanked him and said, “you got my message.” He said, “We have a good psychic connection.” And I don’t know this person. That was a surprising answer. Yet a perfect answer for New Earth.
In my 20s I was shown that it would work this way, but I couldn’t grasp it then. It was too “out there.” Altho it would have been great to understand it then. But now it’s working just as I was shown it would. And it’s happening all the time. And we’ve evolved so much that we can understand it. So this is a very exciting time. We’re opening to all kinds of new information.
This is all about us embracing our power, and embodying our power and our authenticity. Embodying our truth, and realizing we are creators who carry divinity within. We carry it because we are supposed to use it. Once we align with all of this and accept responsibility for creating we move into the power and potential of it. We are creating the New Earth. All of us who’ve embodied our higher aspects and stepped into our light are doing this. Our divinity is expressing in small moments thru-out our day, and in the larger overall picture as well.

What’s amazing is the speed at which the old is disappearing now. Many are now feeling that the old is simply gone or dead, even tho we can still experience it. But it’s flat, the joy has gone from it. What we enjoyed in it is gone. Even those who have absolutely no knowing of the New Earth or ability to grasp the concept are commenting that it feels like the world is ending. Yes, the old world is ending. Bye-bye, farewell, so long… Please join us in creating the new.
We’re feeling this as the year comes to a close, feeling the sadness of lost dreams in the old world and feeling the excitement of what is taking place in the new.
The energy coming to the planet now is helping us to uncover and release any old patterns that we still have or hold onto. I had one revealed to me on Thanksgiving, when memories surfaced that I’d never been aware of regarding my childhood. I felt some sadness and also some helplessness at being able to do anything about this. I also felt some anger, as the new me would definitely make this right. And then here came a very flowery card from this person the memories were about, a family member who had bullied me as a child, someone I no longer have a relationship with except the occasional exchange of cards. I immediately wrote a letter telling her what I thought, and then I tore it up. I allowed the energy to work thru. I asked, what can I do about this? And I surrendered. And the answer came thru, to make her into a “warm fuzzy.”
This recently happened with my father, who died several years ago. He was a strong, very intelligent, good person who wasn’t good at expressing love or any warm, fuzzy feelings. I have done a lot of work to change how I feel about him and to come to a place within me where my feelings about him are good. Recently I got a message that he is now a “warm fuzzy.” I was so surprised to hear that, believe me. It’s something I always wanted but did not think I could create. But lo and behold, I now have very warm feelings about him. And I’m so happy about that. Because he has evolved too since he left the Earth.
Still, getting this message about a living person felt different to me. But what I noticed was, after the message came, I felt a huge relief. I was no longer responsible for holding any old stories inside me. I could let the whole thing go. The process took just 4 days. We’re not letting anyone off the hook for their behaviors that caused harm. But we’re not responsible for their journeys. They will all work thru all of this on their own. And we can free ourselves from the heaviness and pain of those old memories. It doesn’t mean we have to spend time with the person. We may see them in social interactions, but with our new clear boundaries, we are very capable of representing our new Self if needed. We no longer need to be afraid of or angry at these people. It’s not our job.

With this release I feel almost like a helium balloon. A bit giddy. And much lighter. And much happier. We need to be clear about who we are and what we are here to do. Yes, we have jobs to do and roles to fulfill, but maintaining the past and the old storylines is not one of our jobs. We can move into our freedom. We can move into our happiness. And we can definitely move into our power. Our role now is creating our new world, the place where we want to live, a place of harmony and balance and peace. And in that new world, which starts inside of us and then expands out around us, we will find the people we want to spend time with. We will connect with those who are also embracing the new heart-based consciousness, and wanting to connect in supportive ways to co-create the New Earth.
The old is gone. We can let it go and embrace the new and everything that it’s bringing in.