So much is happening now, on so many levels. And that’s what’s key, and this is so important. We want to choose the level we’re experiencing. We want to create an experience that is not fear-based. We want to choose one that is heart-centered. We can say, I choose an experience that is based in Love. I choose to connect to my highest aspects, in order to experience the New Earth. I am creating my experiences by choosing to love myself and listen to my guidance. I am witnessing myself become a new heart-centered being.
We’re part of a global community and a cosmic community. We have already been feeling the ones we know, the people around us, those we interact with. We’re feeling how they’re doing. Now we’re tapping into those around the world that we’ve never met. We’re feeling what’s taking place, the emotions and everything else that is related to this global evolution we are experiencing, and the expansive energy of the new, because we’ve entered the unified field. We’re all being changed by this, and our world is also being changed. We are intimately connected to the Earth, and we are growing in awareness about this.

On my bike ride today, I ran into a friend who said something wonderful and surprising. She is not someone who has been actively doing this ascension and embodiment process, yet she told me that for some time she’s been feeling an event coming that would impact all of us and forever change us, although she didn’t know what it was until now. She said, ‘I feel this is taking us to a new level. We won’t be the same as we were.” I’ve known her for a couple of years, she’s never given any indication that she is intuitive, and yet she shared something that was totally intuitive. So it was surprising and yet not, because this is what we all knew would happen, that people would begin waking up to a new way of being and they wouldn’t even remember that they used to be different. It was exciting to hear her words. Everybody is evolving, even those we thought might never do so. And it’s happening as we watch. Many can feel that something big is taking place.
By habit we have in the past usually chosen what we know, but now our choice is unlimited. In our old world we made choices we believed would keep us safe. In our new world we choose harmony and happiness, peace and love, balance and equanimity, expansion and surrender, sovereignty and freedom, and magic. We free ourselves from the controls that were placed on us, from everything that never made sense, from all the ways we had to work to fit in. We free ourselves and we move into our Original Truth. We move into the field of unity and knowing that we came from and we anchor that here in a frequency that requires that each person becomes self-governing and self-regulating and self-responsible. We are creators, thus everything we create is a part of us.
We’re having a worldwide timeout now in order to fully anchor our new way of being, to create a way of being beyond the craziness and control. As my friend said, “we won’t be the same.”
Yesterday I had a neat experience with this whole process we are all going thru. My bike needed a small repair (the handlebars had rotated out of place) and I didn’t have the necessary tool. I thought of asking a neighbor but then I felt very strongly to take the bike to the local bike shop. I called to see if they were open and could do the repair while I waited, then loaded the bike in the car and drove to the shop. Now, I felt some fear about going out to the shop (as we’re all doing our best to avoid this virus), but as soon as I decided to go, based on how strongly I was being guided to go, I got a message: you can create a “tunnel” from the New Earth into the old one and navigate thru those tunnels. These are tunnels of energy, passageways, that we can use to make things easier for us. All you do is visualize it. We still use all the recommended protocols—like not getting too close to someone and so on—because by practicing these tools we’re given we learn how to use them. It’s by using them that we learn how they work. When I got to the shop, I unloaded my bike and took it over to the door. It was locked; the sign said, ring the bell. The owner came out, she was very friendly, and went over to my bike (outside) with an Allen wrench. She made the repair in about 3 minutes. And now I know how to do it if it ever happens again. When I asked her how much, she said, “no charge, that was very simple.”
OK, that was unexpected. Part of why I decided to go to the bike shop was to support the business, as everyone is struggling right now. But then I realized I was in my New Earth passageway. And everything in the New Earth is new. We will be surprised a lot.
This morning, Sunday, I heard the word LIBERATION! It was loud and clear, and it indicated that we have been freed from the forces that were keeping us small, that were trying to limit the experience of life on Earth. These forces are no longer in control, and we will watch to see how this shakes out. This has been a long and winding road with more permutations than we could have imagined, but we are in a very important phase that is bringing us into wholeness.

I met a couple who just moved into my neighborhood on my bike ride yesterday, and the husband said he can’t wait till this is over. “I’m going to go out and hug everyone I see,” he said. “It will be so wonderful.” Imagine how that’s going to look. I definitely would love to see a video of it, that and all the other heart-warming, heart-centered things that happen as we move into our new freedom. Just think of how it will feel.
Interesting how I have heard a number of people (some I my own family) comment, they wonder how this pandemic will change the world, or they feel something will be different but they don’t know how or what. These are people not familiar with the topic of ascension.
Loved the meditation this evening. I had to participate 30 min. Early but felt strong energies moving through both hands.
Enjoy the beautiful photos you share.
Thanks so much!!
Melissa, thanks for this share. It’s affirming to hear that you’re noticing similar things, that people are sensing the changes. And thanks for your feedback on the meditation. I heard from a couple others as well that they noticed the energy that came into them. As one said: “I felt the strangest sensation embody and wash through me starting in my head and working downward. The heaviness and anxiety in my chest was alleviated and I felt completely calm. It was amazing.” I still remember when I first “discovered” the world of energy and couldn’t believe how long I hadn’t known it was there. Opening to the fact that there’s a lot more to this whole experience than the five senses tell us really brings us into a new experience, and from there we’re shown who we are and why we’re here and all the rest.
Yes, the energy aspect of all this is fascinating. It becomes more real everyday. ❤