There is darkness being revealed around us now on the planet and we will each see some of this. This is part of releasing the darkness we ourselves have held within, from growing up in our world. What we are doing is releasing the agreement we had to host this darkness both within and on the planet, and as we each do that, as sovereign beings, the darkness around us releases. To assist with this, you can say, I agree to release the darkness I have held within to facilitate my own personal ascension and the release of darkness on the planet, in order to create the New Earth.
This is extremely powerful on our part. We don’t have to know everything that has taken place, because for many it would be too overwhelming. But it is important to acknowledge that dark energies have been present around us, especially in our world of entertainment. And these energies are being cleared. This means our entertainment will change, rising up from the symbolism and belief structure it has used, to begin to express as part of the light, inspiring us and being part of our happiness as opposed to our discomfort. Years ago I stopped going to any movies that showed violence, and then a few years later I stopped going to movies at all to remove my financial support. I personally did not want to spend my money to support what was being created. This is a power we all have. This is one way we create change.
We are experiencing something we have never been thru, as the force of light has become very strong, and is rooting out the dark agents that have hidden in plain sight. We can all do our part, by releasing any agreements we had with the dark energy.

We are finding that we are creating thru our desire, and the moment we start the action, the creation can appear. This process has been super accelerated in the last month and I’ll share one example. I heard on the news that a couple insurance companies were offering rebates to customers who are currently driving very little due to staying home. I thought, I will call my insurance agent to see if they plan to do that. I opened my computer to look up their number and an ad came on the TV—from my insurance company saying they were giving customers a rebate. All I did was have the thought and begin the action. This is the new Divine feminine energy, the creator, combined with the new Divine masculine, the doer. In the past we went thru all the steps to create things in our lives, now many of the steps take place thru energetic creation, thru our alignment with our own power, by our acknowledgment of our power, by our agreeing to use our power in the way it was designed. We discover our tools are an inherent part of us. It’s surprising when we see how our power works, and yet after it happens a few times, we begin to recognize the potential of this. We are moving into creatorship.
There are still times when it doesn’t happen. We don’t want to be hard on ourselves when it doesn’t. This takes practice and getting used to. It takes work on our part to clear our belief in limitation, to clear our habits and negative self-messaging. We have to stop doing things the old way and start doing them the new way. We have to practice how this works and continue to align with our pure, high frequencies that make this level of creation possible.
Let’s say you need some groceries. First, express your intention that the store will have everything you need and it will feel effortless to do the shopping. Then off you go. In the store, as you find the items on your list express your appreciation and gratitude for this to yourself. Also thank the employees who are restocking shelves and working at the store if you encounter them. Begin to make this a practice. Your frequency goes up, and you enter the frequencies where things become magical. Everything becomes easier because you are operating from your heart consciousness instead of your old to-do list consciousness. Many continue to push thru their to-do lists instead of surrendering into the new energies and allowing their new Self to work with them.
We are transitioning into a whole new way of being, and the more we cooperate with this, the more we move with it, the more we allow it, the faster it happens and the easier the process is. Many are caught in their fear now, which traps them in their old patterns of behavior and keeps them from experiencing all this newness. But we can allow them their process. Each being is sovereign and must move thru this using their own volition and choice. It is a choice to open to a new way of being, to open to what the New Earth is bringing and offering.

We’re redefining how we live and the choices we make about our lives. We’re choosing to be happy. We’re rediscovering the simple joys of childhood. We’re realizing that we can create peace and happiness in our everyday lives. And share that peace and happiness with others as we connect thru heart-based consciousness. Yesterday I was talking to someone I know, and he shared that as a kid he loved laying on his back watching the clouds. So the other day, he sat outside with a friend. “There we were,” he said, “two 40-year-old dudes watching the clouds.” That just makes me smile.
We are all moving into our expanded power, the holiness of who we are. We are all learning to use our power. We’re learning that we can choose to be sovereign beings living in a new way, on a New Earth that we ourselves are creating thru our choices. This is an inside job, because we are the ones doing it.
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